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"Where did you learn to drive a stick shift?" Jason asked as I drove, but I shrugged.

"Foster mom was a mechanic, she taught me." I said then he shook his head.

"What didn't you learn from your many foster families?" He asked and I snorted.

"How to mastu-"

"Okay!" Hazel said and I grinned as we drove west.

"I don't want that mental image!" She said and I snorted.

"Didn't want the physical image of him with someone else." I whispered, but due to the silence in the car, everyone heard.

"He really does care about you, Andy." Jason said, but I snorted and kept driving, not caring that I was speeding since there was basically no one here.

"Yeah? Then why was Will's dick up his ass? Huh?" I asked and heard Hazel groan.

"Because as far as we knew, Andy, you were straight." Jason said and I slammed on the brakes, making them jerk forward. I turned to Jason then glared as he looked at me dizzily.

"I turned down the daughters of Aphrodite herself! I ignored everyone, male and female, except for Nico fucking Di'Angelo! Then, when I did open up to you guys, I was constantly being watched by him! Fuck, I asked for him specifically to watch me! And you want to tell me that you didn't know I wasn't straight?!" I asked and Frank rubbed his head.

"When you put it like that, it's kinda obvious that you're gay." He said and I snorted.

"Yeah, obvious." I said and turned, starting to drive again. As we drove, Jason idly flipped through the channels, but I was mostly ignoring them.

"It's going to rain." I looked at the sky then saw the dark clouds.

"Those aren't rain clouds." I said and felt their eyes on me.

"Then what?!" Hazel cried, but I slammed on the accelerator trying to find some sort of stable shelter.

"Twister, it looks like it'll be a bad one." I said and saw the Rockies in the far distance. Meaning we had already crossed corn territory.

"If we can make it to the mountains before it touches down, we have a chance of living." I said and saw the funnel forming to our right.

"Fuck!" I hissed then switched gears, going even faster.

"Andy, it's touching down!" Frank said, but I could see that! As the mountains got closer, I noticed a tunnel and prayed to my dad that we would make it.

"It's getting closer!" Hazel said and I noticed our side mirror was freaking out.

"Andy!" Jason cried, but I kept praying.

"Jason, son of the god of the skies, remember?!" I asked, but he shook his head.

"I can't do anything against that!" He cried then I rolled my eyes, seeing the tunnel was closer.

"Andy, the tornado-"

"I FUCKING SEE IT!" I yelled as the tornado hit the road behind us, seemingly turning to follow us.

"Someone doesn't want this staff back." I said then released a breath as we hit the tunnel, the tornado stopping. I eased off the gas then we cruised through the tunnel, all of us slumped in our chairs.


"One of his foster families I bet." Jason cut off Frank and I grinned, since that was exactly how I knew that was tornado clouds.

"Fucking foster system." Jason said and I laughed as we kept going. About an hour later, we hit the other side of the mountains and I saw we were in the actual mountains and it was getting late.

"Jason, we're going to switch. I'm gonna give you a crash course on how to drive this thing." I said and parked the car, switching with him. I gave him a quick crash course on how to drive a stick shift then, when he had it, I laid back in my seat and fell asleep, letting him drive at night.


"Andy, hey, get up." I groaned then noticed lights and Frank above me. I blinked then realized we were at a gas station, so we must be low on gas, but everyone was around the car.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I sat up, getting out and rubbing my eyes.

"We're out of gas, no money, and we still have a good one hundred miles to go." Jason reported and I nodded, seeing a woman in there behind the counter.

"I got this." I said and ruffled my hair, walking into the shop.

"Hello." The girl breathed then I smiled as I went over and leaned on the counter.

"Hey, sweetheart. Listen, my friends and I got robbed a few miles back, so we don't have money. We just need to fill up our car real quick, would you mind helping us with that?" I asked and flashed her a grin, making her face turn as red as my hair.

"O-of course!" She said and typed on her computer, smiling as she hit a button and the light above the pump we had parked at turned on.

"Thanks, beautiful." I smiled then stood and grabbed a pen, writing some fake ass number on her arm.

"You have a good one." I said and went out, where Jason was filling the car.

"Hurry your ass up." I whispered and he eyed me.

"Before she realizes we're stealing." I whispered and he nodded, the gas stopping as the car was filled. When we drove off, I saw her running out looking angry, but I grinned as now, the deed was done.

"Damn, dude. Got quite a charm for a gay dude." Jason said and I shrugged.

"I can look like your typical beefy jock if I want, but I'm not at all." I said and he snorted.

"Don't gotta tell us twice." He said then I smiled as I looked out the window, thinking of my fantasma. To occupy my mind, I grabbed the horse and my travel tools then turned the light on, messing with the gears and such.

"Andy, do you have to do that right now?" Jason asked and I looked at him.

"ADHD, remember?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, making Frank and Hazel laugh.

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