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I am a firm believer that Hades and Persephone are happily in love and nothing can change my mind.


I watched as the gods worked to rebuild the camp with the campers who weren't severely injured. Those who were had to go to the temporary infirmary the Apollo cabin had set up, all of them and the god himself working to heal their wounds.

"Andrew." I looked at dad and Ares then they sighed.


"I didn't think that you're blood would cause this." Dad cut off Ares and I snorted.

"I could have killed everyone today, guys, all cause the guy I love was taken from me." I said then looked at Nico, who was sleeping with his head on my lap in the remains of his cabin.

"That's true, yes, but he's alive-"

"Dad, I could have killed the entire state, the whole country, maybe even the world if Hades hadn't brought Nico back." I said as I looked at him and he nodded, kneeling next to me.

"I wish that I could, Andrew, but I can't take this from you-"

"Guys?!" I looked up as Jason, Hazel, and Frank ran over, but Hazel stared at her brother in my lap.

"What in the fuck happened?!" Jason asked, but I knew what he meant. When they had left, Camp Half-Blood was running smooth, not burned to a crisp. The only stuff not burned was anything built with stone.

"I-I lost control, Nico died, but he came back." I said and looked down at Nico as he turned, moving so his nose pressed into my stomach.

"Guys, can we talk to them?" Percy asked as he and the other three came over. Dad and Ares nodded, but dad caught my shoulder and sighed.

"Protect him, Andrew, as this fire is as much of a curse as it is a gift." He said and I nodded, watching him leave to help rebuild the camp.

"Andy, what do you mean you 'lost control'?" Frank asked and Leo sighed, explaining it to the three Roman campers. When he finished his explanation, Jason stared.

"You're three parts god?!" He asked and I nodded, looking down at Nico as I brushed my fingers through his hair.

"My mom, Lily, was a daughter of Ares, and with Hephaestus as my dad..." I trailed, knowing they understood, then Nico whined and blinked, looking up at me.

"Andy?" I smiled and nodded as he sat up, rubbing his eye.

"So it wasn't a dream?" He asked as he looked at the others and the burned camp.

"I wish it was." Piper said and I looked at them.

"I'm so sorry, guys, I didn't think-"

"It's okay, Andy. We don't hate you." Annabeth said, but I snorted.

"But others do?" I asked, questioning what she hadn't said, and she nodded as she crossed her arms.

"Basically every other camper, they think you're a danger to this world." She said and I shook my head.

"Why didn't the gods stop me?" I asked and Percy snorted.

"Dude, you burned Apollo's arm! They would have been fried if they had tried anything!" He said and I stared at them.

"Fire that burns the gods too?" I asked and he nodded.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, but Piper sighed.

"Well, no one's dead-"

"Nico was." I deadpanned and Nico grabbed my hand, making me look at him.

"I was, but-"

"Andrew." I looked up then stood as Hades approached me. Behind him, I saw Lady Persephone and sighed as I stood.

"Hades-" I stopped as he punched me, knocking me to the ground, then Nico grabbed me and I wiped my lip, which was bleeding.

"That is for endangering my nephew!" He growled and I huffed as I remembered, Percy was technically his relative.

"Sorry I love your kid, Hades!" I snarled then stood, glaring at the god.

"Because of that fact, I decided against killing you." He said and Persephone rolled her eyes.

"He is truly happy, Andy, please forgive him-"

"He just slugged me, Persephone!" I snarled and she smiled.

"There's the Ares in you." She whispered then I scoffed, ready to argue, but Nico caught my shirt and I looked at him.

"Stop, Andy." He breathed then I stopped and glared at Hades, who snapped his fingers and the cabin was suddenly restored.

"You endanger the life of my son or nephews again, Andrew Price, and I will make a special spot in the Underworld just for you-"

"I nearly killed the entire camp because Nico was taken from me!" I growled and watched as his eyes widened.

"I would never hurt him, never!" I swore and Persephone nodded as she came towards me, stopping right in front of me.

"I believe that is true, Andy, as I know how you were treated before with that man." She said and I felt sick to my stomach at the reminder of that foster father.

"I've also spoken to Chiron and Dionysus. You will be staying here with my son from now on." Hades said and I nodded, silently begging them to just leave. Seemingly hearing my thoughts, Hades and Persephone left then Jason eyed me.

"Dude, who was Persephone talking about?" He asked, but I felt my palms warm as I remembered.

"Andy, no!" Nico hugged my arm and I clenched my fists, closing my eyes as I fought the fire.

"Please, no more fire today." He begged then he was silent for a second.

"Jason, don't ask him something that obviously upsets him!" He growled and I heard many people leave, but I turned to Nico and hugged his waist tightly, silently crying into his shoulder.

"I've got you, Andy, I'm right here." He whispered then softly kissed my head.

"My creatore, I'm right here for you." He said, running his fingers up and down my back. I lifted my head then turned to where his bed laid, seeing the mechanical horse on the nightstand just like it was before I had burned everything to a crisp. Thank you, Hades.

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