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I sighed as I stared at the water, the lake softly lapping at the shore as everyone else had downtime. Me? I wasn't allowed in any of the common areas until Chiron could trust me with others again.

"Hey." I looked up then saw the twink and snorted as he sat next to me.

"You know Chiron doesn't want the others around me-"

"Cause you kicked Jason's, Percy's, and Frank's asses? Yeah, but he's not worried about you hurting me." He said then I eyed him.

"Why?" I asked, but he shrugged.

"Something about being the only one with a nickname from you." He said and I realized, Chiron was right. Nico was the only person I had ever nicknamed, I just called everyone else by their actual names.

"Not on purpose, you twink." I said and he sighed.

"Wish you wouldn't call me that, but whatever." He said and I eyed him.

"Then what would you prefer, huh? Nico? Di'Angelo? Death boy?" I asked and he snorted.

"Got you joking already-" He stopped as I punched his arm, more like bumped it with my fist, then he looked at me.

"Why do you hate being around others, huh?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Guess... I don't know." I said then looked out at the lake again.

"Growing up, I was told my mom died in a mysterious fire in the hospital while giving birth to me. Then every foster house I was put in, there was a fire that always started in my room or around me. It kinda made me think that, somehow, I killed my mom with fire and I'm cursed. I- this stupid fire that I have, that Hephaestus gave me, I can't control it. I seclude myself because I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want more blood on my hands." I said then he spoke up.

"And what about your blood of Ares? Is that why you're so mean to everyone?" He asked and I looked at him then sighed.

"I fight everyone, especially those three, because I can't seem weak. In the foster system, it's you against the world. If you're seen as weak, the system will chew you up and spit you out with nothing left to you." I said then heard him move closer.

"You don't gotta fight the world alone, Andy." He said and I looked at him, but saw him giving me a soft look.

"I used to fight the world too, I hated everyone after my sister Bianca died. I fought by myself for a long time, but then I found my sister Hazel and she helped me a lot. Now, I fight the world with others there to help me." He said and looked at the water.

"Maybe you need someone to help you fight the world too." He said, but we looked up as Mr. D came over.

"Anthony, you're needed in the big house." He said and I stood, brushing the sand off of me.

"Coming, Mr. D." He nodded and waited for me, but Nico stood and I smiled at him.

"Thanks for talking to me, twink." I said and his brow dropped.

"What's that mean?"

"Look it up." I said and left with Mr. D, walking to the Big House with him. As we walked, I noticed campers eyeing me and whispering to each other, but I ignored it.

"Through there, Adam." Mr. D said then I went through the doors and saw Mr. Chiron standing there, arms crossed as Percy, Jason, and Frank stood in front of him.

"What's up, horse buddy?" I grinned then he sighed.

"Andrew, these three have approached me-"

"We want to be your supervisors." Percy said and I rolled my eyes.

"Another word for social worker, and no. I've had one too many in my life. Besides, don't need some therapist to help me." I said and went to leave.

"This isn't a choice, Andrew. You need to have someone watch over you, as you're rash and can't control yourself-"

"Then I pick them." I said as I turned back to Chiron. He hesitated, but nodded and shifted.

"Who did you have in mind?" He asked, but I smirked.


"You want me to what?!" He asked, but I shrugged.

"You're the only one I've nicknamed, right?" I asked as he sat on his bunk, Hazel eyeing him as Chiron stood with me inside the Hades cabin.

"Come on, Nico. You said it yourself, I gotta have someone to fight the world with me." I said then Nico looked at Chiron and cleared his throat.

"Well, as the only one Andy's kinda close to, I guess it makes sense to put me in charge of him." He said then Chiron stepped closer.

"Nico, this will mean you train with him to control his powers, you will be held responsible should he fight again, you are in charge of his sword training-"

"I know." He cut off the half horse then Hazel glared at me and I huffed.

"Ain't gonna hurt your brother, caramel cheeks." I said and she went red as Nico laughed, actually laughed.

"This may not be too bad!" Nico said and I looked up at Chiron.

"So, we good?" I asked and Chiron nodded.

"You must stay with Nico though, Andy. You won't be alone unless you're in your cabin, you understand this?" I nodded and he nodded once.

"Then we're good." He said and turned to leave, but I looked at Nico.

"I chose you, because you're the first one to actually see me for me, twink." I said and he went red.

"Let me guess, you looked it up?" I grinned and he looked down.

"What's that mean?" Hazel asked, but I snickered and went to speak, only for Nico to give me a death glare.

"Nothing, Hazel. Go find Frank." She shrugged then stood and left, but I went over and sat on Nico's bed, laying back and leaning on my elbows.

"So, me and you are gonna be together now, huh?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Only cause you chose me." He said then I smiled softly.

"You're the closest thing I've got to a friend, Angel face." I said and he went red, hitting me with his pillow and making me laugh.

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