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I looked up as the door opened then saw a man in a pristine black suit with stormy blue eyes and a scruffy beard that actually looked good on him.

"Who are you?" Carrie asked, holding an ice pack to her nose.

"I am Zacharias Light, Mr. Black's lawyer. Now, I have with me Andrew's birth certificate, proof of Mr. Black's marriage to Mrs. Price, and the documents she signed giving her son to Mr. Black and Mr. Brunner upon his thirteenth birthday, yet these documents were sealed for legal purposes. They were unsealed on Andrew's thirteenth birthday." He said and set the pile of documents down.

"Yes, Andrew has ADHD and dyslexia, he was diagnosed by your doctors when he was seven and couldn't read correctly. If I'm correct, Miss Lawson, you're the one who took Andrew to the doctors. As for him assaulting you, that was a deserved punch seeing as you were trying to keep him away from his biological father." Mr. Light said then I stared at Carrie as she and another social worker went over the documents.

"These papers are legit, Carrie. He really is Andy's dad." The guy said then looked at us.

"We're sorry-"

"Hold on just a second." I looked at Carrie then she eyed me.

"You're still being charged with attempted murder, Andrew. And the survivors of your pyromania are beginning to charge you as well-"

"I'm handling that myself, Miss Lawson. As of now, he is not your concern." Mr. Light said then I looked at him and slowly stood.

"Mr. Light, I-I killed some of them-"

"In fires that weren't your fault. I've done my own research, Andrew. Carrie is the pyromaniac, she set fire to her own childhood home and killed both her parents. When she married and had a family, there was another mysterious fire that killed her entire family, yet she miraculously escaped that fire perfectly fine as well. You aren't the one starting the fires, Andrew, it was her." He said then I glared at Carrie, who looked scared.

"You made me think-" I stopped then clenched my fists, closing my eyes as I looked down.

"I'm going with my dad, I'm going with Mr. Brunner and Nico and Mr. Light, I'm done being a foster ward." I said then looked at her to see her angry.

"I am tired of being your scapegoat." I said then dad stood and fixed his jacket.

"Well, I think that just about wraps up this mess. Andy, come on. We have to get you home." He said and I smiled. We left, my raggedy bag hanging off my shoulder, then we left the building and I saw a god damn Escalade chilling out front.

"Is that your car?!" I asked and dad grinned.

"Yes, come on." We got in then I saw Mr. Light in the front and wondered where his car was.

"We're going to the camp first, right?" Nico asked and I eyed the boy, who had been pretty quiet this entire time.

"Yes, Nico, it's time for Andy to go home." Mr. Brunner said then I looked at my dad, who was driving his own car. If he's rich, why is he driving himself?


"Andy, welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" I looked at Mr. Brunner, questioning that name, then looked at the camp and stared. There were multiple cabins, a lake on the far side, a big ass pavilion thing that had dining tables in it, a big farm house, strawberry fields, an arena, some sort of archery field, a theater thing, a store I think, some kind of locked up building, a volleyball field, stables, another smaller pavilion, and a fucking rock wall with lava at the top and fire on it.

"What the hell is this?!" I asked and stared as Mr. Brunner stood, exposing he had a literal horse's ass.

"I am actually Chiron, Andrew. You are a demi-god, the son of Hephaestus." He said and I looked at my dad, but stared as he was now in blacksmith like clothes with a big ass hammer resting on his shoulder.

"Though, you are more than half god, Andy. Your mother, Lily, was the daughter of Ares. I didn't know this until you were born, and I sensed both my blood and his inside you." He said then I looked at Mr. Light, but he had lightning crackling around his fingertips so I instantly knew that, if this was based on Greek mythology, he was actually Zeus.

"So, wait, I'm the son of two gods?" I asked and Chiron nodded.

"You are, though you are more Hephaestus' son, so you will be in his cabin. Only we will know of your ties to Ares, Andy-"

"Then who is the twink's god?" I asked and they looked confused.

"Pardon me?" Chiron asked and I looked at Nico.

"Him, the twink. Who's his godly parent?" I asked and Chiron looked at Nico then cleared his throat.

"His father is Hades-"

"The god of the dead?" I asked, but Nico growled.

"Underworld. Thanatos is the god of the dead, mine is the god of the Underworld." He said and I snorted.

"Same damn thing." I spit then crossed my arms.

"Look, I don't give a damn where you put me, but I ain't gonna get all buddy-buddy with these campers." I said then Chiron looked confused.


"Whether Carrie actually started those fires or not, I can remember that blacksmith man has the ability to control fire as well inside his forges, which means there's a chance I have the ability to create fire myself. If the case is I started those fires and killed those people, I'm not going to be friends and cause harm. You said this camp helps demi-gods learn to live in the real world? Then I'm here to learn, that's it." I said and Chiron nodded.

"As you wish, Mr. Price." He said then I sighed.

"So, which cabin is mine? Wait, let me guess. The one with the big ass forge on the back?" I asked and Chiron nodded.

"Then, if you gentlemen would excuse me, I'll go and seclude myself now." I said then turned, going through camp towards my new cabin.

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