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I watched him play with the necklace, my arm around him and the other one under my head.

"I love it, Andy." He said and looked up at me, making me smile. I leaned down then softly kissed him, moving my free hand to cup his cheek and hold him close.

"I love you, fantasma." I whispered on his lips and he smiled, reaching up and holding my hair as he kissed me. I softly moaned as he pushed against me, but we broke apart as someone knocked on the door.

"Nico, Andy?" Percy called, knocking again, then I looked at Nico and smiled as I kissed him again.

"Let's show him we aren't to be disturbed." I whispered then Nico grinned as I climbed over him, laying between his legs. He moaned as I pressed against him, but he wasn't loud enough for my liking. I kissed him then grabbed his right thigh, pulling it up and hooking it around me as I lined myself up, pushing into him. As I did, he broke the kiss and nearly yelled out, but I heard fast paced feet on the porch and grinned as Nico softly laughed.

"He's scarred for life." He breathily said, but moaned as I leaned down and kissed his neck.

"Then let him be." I whispered then braced myself by boxing his head in with my arms, moving my hips back. He whined at the loss of my cock, but I slammed into him and felt his nails in my back.

Percy's POV
"Percy? Where's Nico and Andy?" Annabeth asked as I caught up to them, but I cleared my throat as I tried to erase that mental image.

"Uh, busy." I managed and Leo laughed, making us look at him.

"Well, I guess they listened!" He said, holding his stomach as he laughed.

"Listened? The hell you talking about, Leo?" Piper asked and Leo sighed.

"Yes, they were kissing in the forge last night, but I told them to go hook up in the death cabin!" He said and I groaned as everyone gave me looks of pity. We jumped as we heard a scream/moan then I looked at the Hades cabin and saw we weren't the only ones hearing it.

"Damn, if Nico is screaming-"

"Shut up, Piper! Please!" I begged then we quickly went to the beach, and I noticed everyone giving the Hades cabin a wide berth from then on.

Andy's POV
I held his hips tightly, leaving dark bruises on his pale skin, then dropped my hips and he nearly screamed as I got my aim perfect finally. I grinned then shook my head, getting my hair out of my face to focus on him.

"Andy!" Nico moaned then arched his back as cum flew across his chest, nearly hitting the necklace that rested against his throat. I clenched my teeth as he tightened on me then gripped his thighs as I slammed into him harder, coming a second later.

"Fuck, Nico!" I growled then fell forward on him, panting as sweat dripped off my head. He reached up, brushing my hair back and wiping the sweat off me, then I smiled as I grabbed his hand and kissed his wrist.

"Don't ever hurt me again, okay?" I begged and Nico nodded, sitting up and kissing me softly. I moaned as I slid out of him, making him whine, then I laid next to him and he curled into my side, the black sheets barely covering us.

"Fuck, my dick is begging to keep going-"

"Gods, no!" Nico whined and I laughed.

"First time I've been turned down for sex." I said and he groaned, lightly smacking my chest, which had scratches on him from last night.

"I'm gonna have to convince you to cut your nails, fantasma, or I'll have to start calling you 'kitten'-"

"You'd better fucking not." He said, no real malice to his voice, but I laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Maybe I will just to see you blushing like a strawberry." I said and he groaned.

"No fair, Andy." He said then hid his face in my chest, but I leaned down and kissed his head.

"Never said I was, kitten-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He said and I laughed as I easily dodged his punch.

"Sorry, my fantasma!" I laughed and he glared weakly from under his lashes.

"Besides, I'm exhausted-"

"You know, the whole camp probably heard you." I said and felt the heat radiating off his face as he blushed.

"We'll have to face them, Nico." I laughed as he buried his face in my side, but he shook his head.

"Nope! I'm going to hide out in my cabin for the rest of my days!" He said and I laughed, moving and forcing him to look at me.

"Hey, you can't leave me to fight the world alone." I said then he looked at me and I caught his chin, softly kissing him.

"Besides, you marked me, so I gotta show off who did this." I said and he went red.

"Andrew!" I laughed as he threw a pillow at me, but I caught it and hugged him.


"Andy, I'm begging you, don't make me go out there!" Nico cried, then I sighed as I finished buckling my belt, looking at him.

"Nico, I am about to drag you out of here by that leather jacket you love so damn much! We missed breakfast, and lunch, might I add! We gotta get something to eat." I said and he huffed, crossing his arms.

"Don't make me-"

"You stay away!" He said, but I went over and he screamed as I threw him over my shoulder, carrying him out as he laughed, hugging my waist to keep from falling on his head, not that he would.

"Andy, put me down!" He laughed, but I held his waist and shook my head.

"Not a chance, baby." I said then heard him groan into my back.

"I swear, I just had sex with the devil-"

"And you're gonna keep sleeping with him too, fantasma." I laughed, walking to the pavilion.

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