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"Mom!" I cried, reaching for her, but something was pulling her away.

"Mom, please!" I cried, running after her, but I stopped as my body started to heat up.

"No! No, I can't!" I growled then curled in on myself, trying to control my flames. I shot up in bed, looking at my hands to see they were glowing red, but there wasn't any fire. I was covered in sweat, my clothes and sheets were soaked in sweat, but I knew that I wouldn't be getting any more sleep. I sighed and got out of bed, going towards the bathroom that was at the back of the cabin.

"Andy?" I turned then saw that little Hispanic kid sitting up in his bed, rubbing his eye as he looked at me.

"Fine, Leo, just a bad dream." I said and went into the bathroom, changing out of my clothes and tossing them into the dryer. I got into the shower then turned on the cold water, standing under the spray to try and chill my blood.


"Hey, Andy!" I ignored the giggling girls as I went towards the dining pavilion for breakfast then got my food, giving some to my dad in the brazier. As I sat to eat, Leo sat next to me, but I scooted away and he looked hurt.

"Hey, man, why are you so cold?" I glared at the guy standing there then saw Nico with him and snorted.

"Leave me the hell alone." I said, but he grabbed my shoulder and I glared.


"Dude, really, we're just trying to know you." He said, but I slowly stood and faced this 'Percy'.

"Get your hand off me." I hissed then noticed a lot of the pavilion was watching us now.

"Okay, calm down-"

"I said to leave me the hell alone, so leave me the hell alone." I said as he dropped his hand, but he glared.

"You don't have to be such an ass-"

"Me? Such an ass? Please, you approached me for no god damn reason, Percy." I hissed then he stepped closer, damn near in my face.

"Back off, Andy." He said, but I grinned.

"You stepped closer to me, Percy. You like me that much, huh?" I asked and he flushed, but looked away.

"I told you to go, so go. Just do something right and leave me alone, because I really don't care to make friends here." I said then stepped back and left the pavilion, much to everyone's joy it seemed. As I got back to my cabin, I sat on my bunk then sighed as I grabbed my head, holding it. Guess that was the Ares in me coming out.


I shot up in bed then ran my hand through my sweaty hair, closing my eyes as I tried to calm down.

"Andrew?" I looked over at Harley then saw he was eyeing me through sleepy eyes.

"I'm okay, Harley." I said and swung my legs off my bunk, going to stand. I cursed as I hit the ground, causing a bit of noise that woke the others.

"Andy!" Leo ran over and grabbed me, but I shoved his hands off and held my bed.

"I'm fucking fine!" I growled then clenched my eyes shut as my legs burned.

"No, you're not! This is happening every night, Andy, and now you can't even stand-"

"I said that I'm fine, goddammit, Leo!" I spit at him as I glared, then he looked pissed.

"Then stand up." He challenged and I saw our half-siblings were eyeing us, trying to figure out what I would do.

"Come on then, Andy. If you're so fine, stand up!" He ordered as he stood, stepping back. I took a deep breath then tried to stand, but my legs burned too much and I fell back down.

"I thought so." Leo said and I glared at him as he kneeled.

"I'm taking you to the infirmary-"

"Don't touch me!" I spit as he tried to grab me, but he grabbed my arm and ignored my glares.

"I have to if you're going anywhere, you idiot!" He said then forced me up, ignoring my groans of pain as he basically dragged me to the infirmary with Christopher. When we got there, Christopher ran to get Will from the Apollo cabin, despite it being four in the morning. As we waited, Leo stood there with his arms crossed and a mean look in his eyes.

"Tell me, Andy. Why do you hate being touched by others? What makes you hate people so much you don't even want to have friends? What kind of life is that?"

"The one I'm living, you imp." I said then went to move my sleep pants to look at my legs, but hissed as the movement made them stretch and hurt.

"Damn!" I cursed, but Leo sighed and came over, moving my pants for me.

"You've burned your legs, badly." He said then looked at me.

"What the hell do you dream about to do this to yourself, Andrew?" He asked, but I looked away and refused to answer.

"Andy, Leo?!" I looked at the door then saw Chiron come in with Mr. D and spit out a laugh.

"Course you two are here-"

"We saw Christopher running across the camp. Has something happened?" Chiron asked, but stared at my legs that were still on display.

"He did this to himself in his sleep, he couldn't stand and woke us." Leo said and I glared at him.

"Andy, why didn't you tell anyone?" I looked at Chiron then shook my head.

"What's it matter, Chiron? My dreams aren't going away, so there's no point to telling you that I'm having them." I said and he looked angry.

"No point?! You've burned your legs to the point that you can't even stand and you had to wake your entire cabin to-"

"I didn't mean to wake them! It just- I don't want anyone's help!" I growled then crossed my arms over my chest and looked away.

"I don't need it." I whispered, not saying what I meant. I don't deserve it.

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