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As we walked into the pavilion, I saw damn near everyone looking, but I tried to hide behind Andy. Not that it did much, everyone was still staring. When we got our food and separated to sit, I was alone without Hazel and really wanted to just disappear as I watched Andy laugh with Leo and the others. Andy looked over at me then I saw him give me a smile, but I looked up as someone sat in front of me, seeing Percy.

"Percy, what are you-" I stopped as Piper sat next to me on my right then Annabeth sat next to Percy, Leo and Andy sitting next. Andy sat next to me then I noticed Leo next to Percy.

"What are you guys doing?!" I hissed, but Andy threw his arm around me and hugged me close.

"Sitting with you, fantasma." He said then I saw that some of the Aphrodite and Ares girls were glaring at me with hatred.

"I don't think anyone realized Andy was gay until yesterday." Leo said then I looked at Andy and understood. The girls were head over heels for him, but he basically laid claim to me yesterday when he made me scream his name (quite often, actually). It was obvious that everyone heard us, but he didn't seem phased.

"Hey, Price." We looked up, though Andy kept eating, and I saw some of the Ares guys.

"What's up, guys?" Andy asked, but they glared down at him.

"So, you're a fag like him, huh?" One asked, but Andy stopped with his fork half-way to his mouth. His arm slid off me then I noticed his fork go down to his plate, but none of us were speaking as Andy stood, getting in the guy's face.

"What was that? I didn't hear you, say it one more time. I fucking dare you." He baited then I went to grab Andy, but the guy grabbed his shirt and slammed him to the pillar next to us, making us shoot up as everyone stared.

"Andy!" I cried, but he didn't even seem phased by the hit.

"Let go of me!" Andy snarled, gripping the guy's wrist, then I remembered how much he hated being touched by those he didn't trust.

"Let go of him, before he hurts you!" I warned, but the guy laughed.

"Before he hurts me?! Please, gay man here won't- Ah!" He cried as Andy burned him, but I saw the panic in Andy's eyes and grabbed his arm, making him look at me.

"Andy!" He blinked, slowly focusing, then looked at the guy he burned and shook his head, looking around to see everyone staring.

"You're okay." I whispered then he nodded and cleared his throat.

"Andrew!" We looked at Chiron as he came over then Andy cursed under his breath, closing his eyes as he gripped my hand.

"Chiron, they-"

"Enough, Percy." Chiron said, cutting off Percy, then Chiron stopped in front of us and huffed.

"It seems I was wrong, Andrew Price." He said then I looked up at Andy, who was shaking with anger, his muscles tense.

"You aren't a ruffian who doesn't seem to care. You do protect those you care for, and I see that. Forgive me for misjudging you." Chiron said then I watched the tension flow out of Andy as he looked at Chiron confused.

"But, sir, you said-"

"As for you boys, I will have a punishment set for you. I've told you time and time again, picking fights with your fellow campers for their differences isn't how I intend to let you live." Chiron said and I watched the Ares boys glare at us.

"Now, everyone, go back to your meals! I believe tonight is an early night for us, hmm?" He said, smirking at Andy and me, then he went back to his table as we sat again.

"Andy, you looked like you were about to pee your pants-"

"I promised Chiron I'd stay out of trouble, Leo." Andy said then Leo's face morphed into one of understanding.

"And you nearly caused a fight just now-"

"Yeah, I did." He said, but he was still clenching my hand tightly.

"Hey, it's okay." I whispered and he looked at me, but nodded and relaxed some. As we continued to eat, he held my hand, not letting go, and I knew it was more to keep him from freaking out than it was anything else, not that I minded.


I watched the camp, standing by the tree that held up the barrier, then saw Andrew and that boy walking together, laughing and holding hands. Andrew looked happy, like he had finally found somewhere he felt safe. I watched as he grabbed the boy, leaning down and kissing him despite the many other campers that were watching him, then a group of four other campers went to them, laughing with them as they walked towards the oceanic like cabin. I moved, going towards the back of the cabins, then stopped behind the water cabin and looked in, seeing Andrew holding the boy close to his body on the bed, a fifth camper there with a single eye, so I assumed he was the child of a cyclops.

"Come on, Percy! Leave it be!" Andy laughed then the boy, Percy, shook his head.

"No way, Andy! She's fucking crazy and you lived your whole life with her micromanaging it?!" He questioned and I knew who they were talking about, but the gothic boy looked up and Andy hugged him tighter, softly kissing him as if in love with him. How pathetic.

"Hey, you guys feel that?" The Hispanic boy asked and they looked at him.

"It's like... someone is watching us." He said and they looked around, but Andy seemed to look right at me. I lowly growled then stepped back, turning and returning to the barrier tree.

"I will have you, Andrew Price, your soul will be mine. Even if I have to murder that boy you seem to care for." I said and went past the barrier, returning to my home.

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