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"Is he in the forge again?" I asked Leo as he came out and shut the door, but he gave me a sad smile.

"He got pretty pissed off. Someone destroyed what he was working on, I'd leave him be." He said, but I turned and went to the forge. I didn't even bother to hesitate this time, I went in and straight for the table he was using. I slowed as I saw him slumped over his table, sleeping next to a pile of metal, small gears, poles, wires, and other metal stuff I didn't know the name of.

"Andy." I whispered and shook his shoulder. When he didn't wake, I softly smiled and shadow traveled him to his bunk, managing to get him in his bed. I covered him then rubbed my thumb over some of the soot on his cheek, getting it off. Once I was sure he was asleep and comfy, I shadow traveled to store where everyone was meeting.

"Nico!" Frank squeaked as he saw me then Annabeth smiled as she waved.

"Where's Andy?" Piper asked and I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Sleeping, he fell asleep in the forge." I said then Leo looked confused.

"I'm actually a bit worried about him, Nico. His bed has been empty and cold the last few nights, so I think he's been sleeping in the forge." He said, but I shook my head and looked at the forge. As I saw bright red hair going towards it, I cursed and clenched my fists.

"That idiot is going to die at this rate!" I growled, but Hazel caught my arm before I stormed over there.

"Stop! Being angry is only going to make the situation worse. Please, just calmly talk to him." She said and I nodded, making her let me go. I calmly walked to the forge then went in and heard a hammer hitting metal, though it was soft as if being done with care.

"Andy?" I rounded the corner then saw him at the table again. I went closer, but stopped as I saw scars on his back, like someone had put cigarettes out in his skin, and marks like he had been hit with a belt buckle or something.

"Andy?" I breathed then he sat up and turned to me, looking angry again.

"Get out!" He yelled then I stumbled back and hit the table behind me, knocking something to the ground and breaking it.

"Get out, Nico! Get the hell out, go!" He yelled then I realized he knew I had seen, and he was scared, waiting for me to hurt him like whoever had scarred him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" He bellowed and I turned, running out and slamming into Jason.

"Nico, careful!" I turned to the forge, my heart pounding as I remembered the look of unfiltered rage on Andy's face, then I tried to catch my breath, my fingers itching to grab my sword.

"Hey, what happened?" I looked at Annabeth then shook my head.

"I- he- I went in there and- Andy was so-" I stuttered, not sure how to really explain without telling them about his scars.

"What happened, Nico?" I looked at Hazel as she caught my arm then I looked at the forge as Andy came to the door. I noticed more scars on his chest and stomach, but he slammed the door shut to the forge and answered basically all their questions.

"He-" Piper stopped as she looked at me, but I shook my head and sighed.

"He got angry when I saw them, angrier than I've ever seen him." I said then looked at Leo.

"I-I may have broken someone's thing too, I hit a table. I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry, only Andy gets possessive of his things it seems." He said then rubbed his head.

"Man, I wonder why he got so angry." I shook my head but we went to Percy's cabin and I managed to calm my racing heart.

"Hey, I'm sure it's okay, Nico." I looked at Frank then nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I whispered then hugged my knees to my chest.

Andy's POV
I slid the gear into place then smiled as the legs began moving, but that was just the legs. I huffed as I reached up and ran a hand through my hair, thinking of how scared Nico looked when I yelled at him, then I looked at the legs of the horse and huffed. I continued to work then finished the horse by that night, smiling as I slid my shirt on and slid the horse into a present box, closing it and going towards the Hades cabin.

"Andy!" I turned then saw Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel, though they looked angry.

"Hey, I'm going to see Nico. I'm going to apologize, I reacted badly this morning." I said and their anger instantly vanished.

"Honestly, I've been making something for him." I said and looked at the box in my hands, making Annabeth take it. She opened it then the girls gasped as they saw it.

"Andy, this is beautiful!" Piper said and I smiled.

"Hazel, think he'll like it?" I asked and she nodded.

"He will. He's in the cabin." She said then I took the box and smiled.

"Thanks, guys." I said and turned, going to the cabin. I slowed as I got to the door then I heard faint moans, which seemed odd to me. I went to knock on the door, but noticed it was actually cracked open and hadn't been shut all the way. I looked through the crack then froze as I saw Nico and that fucking blonde guy together, but I didn't need to see anything more of them to know they were having sex. I backed up then looked down at the box in my hands, feeling my heart breaking as I kept hearing Nico. I set the box down on the doorstep then turned, leaving and openly crying as I went back to my cabin to try and get away from all the questioning eyes that were staring at the watermarks that were on my face. I should have fucking known.

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