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"This was a one-time thing, right?" I looked at Will then nodded, sliding my shirt on.

"Thanks, Will. Guess we just needed to let off steam." I said and he nodded, fixing his hair.

"Well, you need to tell him, Nico." He said, bringing up the guy who's name I had basically screamed mere moments ago.

"I can't, Will." I said, but he huffed.

"I'm off, man." He said and went to leave, but I didn't hear the door shut. I turned then saw him lifting a box, turning and coming over.

"Hey, this was outside the door." He said and I stood, going to him and taking the box from him.

"What is this?" I whispered, but slid the top off and stared at the mechanical horse that was inside in some soft material.

"That's fucking gorgeous." Will said and I nodded, carefully lifting the horse.

"I wonder who left it for you." He said, but I had a faint idea.

"Who knows." I whispered but looked at him.

"Shouldn't you go before Hazel gets back?" I asked and he nodded.

"Walk of shame, here I come." He smirked and left, but I went to my bed and looked at the horse some more. As I messed with it, I hit a button and it's legs began moving as if it was walking and the head raised and lowered, as if it were eating. Did he make this?

Andy's POV
"Please, Chiron. I'll keep out of trouble, I'm begging you. That, or assign someone else. Just- get him off my schedule." I begged the centaur then he sighed, coming closer and grabbing my shoulder, which made me flinch and his hand move off me.

"I will tell him that he doesn't need to watch you constantly anymore. If I may ask, what is with this change of heart?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"Just tired of spending my days being watched, that's all." I said and he sighed, crossing his arms and nodded.

"Fine, but you promise you will behave?" I nodded and he gave me a look.

"I am trusting you here, Andrew, do not make me regret it." He said then I left the Big House, seeing Nico's friends walking to the beach, but Hazel saw me and waved wildly. I went towards them as they stopped to wait, but I cleared my throat as I stopped in front of Hazel.

"What's wrong? You look sad, Andy." Hazel noted then I nodded.

"You can tell Nico he doesn't need to hang around me anymore, Chiron lifted my ban on everything. I'm not going to be under watch anymore." I said, though my voice sounded weak even to myself.

"Andy, what's going on?" I looked at Piper, but her sad eyes damn near broke me again.

"Nothing, just tired." I whispered and blinked, trying not to cry as I wanted this conversation over so I could find my bed.

"That's not it, man." I suddenly very much hated Jason.

"Did something happen with Nico?" I looked at Hazel, but shook my head.

"No. Did he- did he get it?" I asked and she softly smiled.

"You should know he did-"

"I didn't give it to him, so I didn't know." I said and her brow dropped.

"I don't understand-"

"Then ask your fucking brother!" I growled, really wanting to run, but I forced myself to stop and calm down.

"Ask Nico, Hazel. I don't want to talk about it." I whispered and turned, leaving and going to the sword fighting arena. I was still a son of Ares, so I figured hitting something might help me.


"Andy?" I glanced up at Nico as he stood next to where I was sitting, trying to just relax some before I had to go and play capture the flag with everyone.

"Can we talk?" He asked, but I sat up and looked at him.

"We are talking, Nico." I said then noticed hope in his eyes, alongside pain.

"Chiron and Hazel told me you can be alone again." He started and I nodded, my hands gripping the stone wall I was sitting on.

"I- what did you make, in the forge?" He asked, but I snorted.

"A gift for someone, but they didn't even get it from me. It was stupid, to think I actually thought something of them." I whispered, but glared at him.

"So, you and blondie, huh?" I asked and his eyes went wide.

"Andy, I-"

"Save it, not like we were together or anything." I said then hopped off the wall and looked down at him.

"Sleep with whoever you like, Di'Angelo." I said and shoved past him, going to the forest to get ready for the game. On my team was the Apollo cabin and the Ares cabin, along with Jason and Percy. We were going against Iris, Hermes, and Athena, but I didn't give a damn. As long as I got to bash heads together.

"Man, you okay?" I glared at the blondie Nico was with then saw the fear in his eyes as he caught my look.

"Fine, Solace." I spit then slid my helmet on, waiting for the starting horn.

"Andy." I looked at Percy then he reached for me, but stopped.

"Maybe you should take a day, you're really tense and angry looking." He whispered, but I scoffed.

"I'll be fine." I said then the horn went off and we ran forward, hitting the other cabins at the creek. I slammed into the big guy from the Iris cabin then he swung his sword around, trying to hit me.

"No fancy moves out here, buddy!" He taunted, but I kneed his balls and he dropped. I turned then swung at Frank, who was coming for me.

"You need to chill!" He growled then I noticed he was struggling to hold his sword against mine.

"Frank, Andy, what are you doing?!" Annabeth yelled, but I ignored her as Frank glared at me.

"You two idiots are on the same team!" Jason said, but I smirked.

"Same team, Frank!" I growled, but he stepped closer and breathed in my face.

"Maybe, but you're going crazy!" He growled, knocking me back and making me hit my head on one of the rocks.

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