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"Give your legs some time to heal-"

"When can I leave?" I asked the blonde and he sighed as he healed my legs.

"In an hour, maybe-maybe longer." He said, but I rolled my eyes and looked out the window at the slowly rising sun.

"Sorry you had to get out of bed to heal me, stingy." I said, though the blonde gave me another glare.

"I wouldn't have needed to get out of bed if you had just talked to someone-"

"I don't need a fucking therapist!" I growled at him then he sighed as he let go of my right calf.

"Fine, then be an asshole. When you get sent on a quest and have to take others with you, they won't be there for you when you need it. Only those who are nice get their asses saved." He said then left, but I eyed the little square he had left. Ambrosia, he called it. Said it could heal me, but not to eat too much. I huffed and laid my head back, not liking this infirmary. Reminded me too much of a hospital, and I've spent too much of my life in them thanks to the fires.


"Did you hear about Andy last night?"

"I was awake! I saw his brothers carrying him to the infirmary! They had to get Will!"

"I think he did something to himself."

"Well, I was told by Will that Andy had burns on his legs." I ignored the whispers around the pavilion as I ate, but I glared at Nico as he was staring at me. Despite me glaring, he just kept looking at me.

"Andy, how's your legs?" I looked at Leo then snorted.

"Fine." I spit then finished eating and went to leave, only for that blonde from Zeus' cabin to step in front of me.

"I can handle you cussing everyone out, I can handle you ignoring us, but I don't want you around Leo if you're going to hurt him." He said, but I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Didn't hurt him, Sparky. I just got hurt myself, your boy toy is fine." I said and went to leave but he put a hand to my chest and stopped me, making everyone in the pavilion turn to us.

"The name is Jason, and he's not my 'boy toy'. He's my best friend. I get it, you're the bad boy who has a mysterious past. You wanna keep that persona? Be my guest, but you'd better not hurt my friends-"

"Get. Your hand. Off. Me." I warned then he grabbed my shirt, glaring up at me.

"Or what?" He had barely asked before I grabbed his wrist, twisting it and slamming his face into the table.

"Andy!" I heard someone yell, but Percy came over and punched me, knocking me off Jason. I growled then grabbed Percy's hand, holding his fist and kneeing his stomach. He doubled over as I punched his face, then I noticed that big dude he had been hanging around coming over and silently cursed, but I noticed the campers were watching and keeping the adults from coming over to stop the fight.

"Frank, no!" A girl cried then I caught the big guy's fist, Frank's fist. I bent his wrist back then he dropped to his knees and glared up at me, but Jason caught me before I punched Frank. I swung around and elbowed Jason in the face, knocking him back into the table and making him fall into the food there.

"ENOUGH!" I glared at my dad as he stood there with Poseidon, Zeus, and Ares then I cursed as I realized both my technical fathers were here.

"Andrew, let go of Frank now!" Dad ordered then I let go of Frank's fist, knocking him back with the shove that I added.

"Walk with me." Dad commanded and I huffed, walking towards him. We went towards the arena then he stopped and turned to me.

"Andy, why are you starting fights-"

"What is this, school? This is a camp where we're trained to fight-"

"Monsters, Andrew!" He yelled then I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Gods, I had hoped that Ares' blood wouldn't cause problems, but-"

"So that's it?" I asked and he eyed me.

"Because of the mix of blood, you want to just drop me like everyone else?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"No, I'm not-"

"Save it! I don't want your excuses! Fuck, I'm not your perfect child, I get it! No, Leo is perfect! I'm a fucking fuck up who can't do anything right!" I yelled, not realizing the other gods and the guys I had just beat up were coming over.

"I have nightmares of my mother leaving me every night, I burned my legs to the point that I couldn't stand because I can't control my powers, I get angry just like Ares, I create fire just like you, I hate having people touch me because I don't deserve to be cared about, dad! I've done nothing but cause fires and kill people! Carrie had one thing right, I'm nothing special. I'm a fucking screw up who deserves to be in jail." I spit then turned, stopping suddenly as I saw the other gods and their sons.

"Andy-" I shoved past Percy, going to my cabin, then went to the bathroom and slammed the door, locking it behind me. That night, I was on my bunk with my pillow over my face as I tried to keep from crying. I wasn't going to cry here, not when my siblings were gonna be back from the bonfire any moment.

"Andy?" I heard a soft, female voice call, but as I moved the pillow, I saw that girl who was screaming Frank's name when I was kicking his ass.

"I'm Hazel, Nico's sister." She smiled then I put the pillow back over my face.

"Go away-"

"Percy, Jason, and Frank told us what they overheard you saying." She said and I slowly moved the pillow, looking at her suspiciously.

"Look, I understand you don't want anyone to get close to you because you can't control it, but maybe being around others who can control their powers will help you learn to control yours." She said, but I rolled my eyes and turned my back to her.

"You missed dinner-"

"Chiron isn't letting me into the pavilion with anyone else now. I eat by myself." I said then heard her sigh.

"Well, if you want to talk, the Hades cabin is always open for you." She said then I heard her leave and let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding.

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