Twenty One

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"Andy." Piper whispered, going to touch me, but I swatted her hand back and she gave me an understanding smile.

"Fuck." Percy whispered, though Nico had given them a summarized version of what I told him and Hazel. Not long after she called them all here, Nico shadow traveled them to the cabin and told them, but I hadn't moved from our bed.

"I mean, I knew you had been through shit based on your scars, but fucking shit." Percy whispered then sunk onto Hazel's bed, Annabeth taking up a seat in his lap. I slowly nodded then hugged my knees to my chest, staring at a spot on the floor.

"Yeah, well, now you all know my tragic backstory. I was a foster kid who got one of the worst homes and I'm lined with the results of it." I said then shook my head.

"Worst part is, there was a dog I wanted to keep from that lot he had. He was a Doberman puppy, but he'd be full grown now." I said and Nico reached over, grabbing my hand.

"What was his name?"

"His name was Duke, he was sent to some no kill shelter. Actually, I think he was sent here to fucking New York, but- Fuck!" I growled and shook my head.

"He was the sweetest damn dog I had ever seen, he wanted to take care of me. You know, despite the other dogs that attacked me, the guy could never get Duke to even growl at me." I laughed and Hazel smiled as she softly grabbed my arm.

"I'm sure he's somewhere living a good life." I nodded then ran a hand through my hair.

"Nico, think your dad heard all this?" I asked and he smirked.

"Knowing him, he told all the gods to make sure they know not to fuck with you." He said and I nodded, laying against him.

"Would he mind us staying here for the night?" Jason asked, but three new beds magically appeared and I smirked.

"Doesn't seem like it." I whispered then Nico got me to lay down as the others got settled for the night.


"Nico, where are you taking me?!" I laughed then he stopped and let my hand go, putting my hands over my eyes and pulling the blindfold off from under my hands.

"We have a gift for you!" He said then I heard him squeal and felt him grab me.

"Okay, look!" He said and I moved my hands, expecting a new sword or something. Instead, I stared at the dog who was on a leash by Percy's feet, but the dog was fighting him. Percy let go then the dog ran at me and I dropped to my knees when I recognized the scar that on his face.

"Duke!" I laughed and Duke jumped on me, knocking me to the ground and licking me as he danced in his spot.

"Get off, Duke! Quit licking my face!" I laughed then he moved and I sat up, hugging his neck as he calmed, relaxing against me.

"Where did you find him?" I whispered and looked at Nico, but Annabeth stepped closer.

"It took some digging, but we found out he went to a breeder. I told the breeder I was willing to pay whatever the price for this particular dog, and she gave him to me for free. She said if he was that important to us, then we could have him." She said and I looked at Duke then smiled as I nearly cried, scratching behind his ears.

"I missed you too, bud." I whispered and stood as he turned, running around the arena in a way that said he wanted to play.

"Here." I looked at Jason then took the tennis ball and threw it, making Duke run. As he ran back up to me, I smiled and held the ball, twirling it in my hand as Duke looked up at me curiously, waiting for me to throw the ball.

"Here you go, Duke." I said and threw the ball, but Nico came over and grabbed my hand, watching as my best friend grabbed the ball and ran back over to us.

"This make you happy?" Nico asked and I looked at him.

"Him and you both do, you don't even know how much." I whispered and he grinned, taking the ball when Duke came back.

"Ready?" Nico asked and Duke yipped, twirling in a circle and watching my fantasma closely. When Nico threw the ball, Duke ran after it and I laughed as he rolled over it, getting up and coming back.

"Annabeth." I looked at her then she softly smiled as I held Duke's ball, though it was already wet with slobber.

"Thank you." I breathed and she nodded.

"Your welcome, but it was a team effort." She said then they left, but I was given all of Duke's things and we took him to the cabin, getting his things settled. When that was done, Chiron visited and said Duke could stay as long as I took care of his... messes.

"Are you happy?" I looked at Nico as we laid on the bed, Duke laying at the foot of the bed curled around our feet, then I smiled as I nodded.

"I am." I said then brushed his hair back off his face.

"Hey, you still got that place in Jupiter?" I asked and he nodded, giving me a look.

"Yeah, why?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Cause, we'll need somewhere to live when we're done with our camping here, won't we?" I asked and Nico sat up, giving me a look.

"You want to stay with me even after camp?!"

"Nico, I nearly killed said camp when you died. Yeah, I wanna stay with you for as long as we both live. Us and Duke and any children we adopt." I said and his eyes went wide.

"Wait, you thought I was just sleeping with you for camp? Baby, please, I traveled across the country to see you, I made you a mechanical horse, a necklace, destroyed the camp and nearly killed the gods, and still fucked your bubble butt every night. All of that, just for you. As far as I'm concerned, your name is going to be Nico Price in the very new future." I said and he laughed as he hugged my neck, Duke coming up to sit on my other side as Nico cried.


"I'm just so damn happy, Andy!" He laughed then Duke calmed down when he realized Nico wasn't upset in a bad way.

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