Chapter One

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The door to apartment 19 swung open and out walked a woman, high heels clicking as she stepped into the empty hallway and closed the door behind her. Tonight was a special night; tonight was the engagement night of two of her best friends and to commemorate the occasion, they had decided to go out for a celebratory dinner.

Rachel Green looked down at her outfit for the night; a beautiful, elegant black spaghetti strap dress that went down to her knees and matching black heels that gave her an extra inch in height. The dress hugged her in all the right places, making her hips curve out into an hour-glass form, and with the added touch of her make-up, she had to admit, she was looking exceptionally stunning.

Despite her looks, however, Rachel let out a sigh and shut her eyes for a moment, leaning back against the door. Normally she loved feeling beautiful and well-dressed, but at this moment, her looks didn't reflect on how she was feeling at all, and she wasn't exactly sure why.

Monica and Chandler, two of her best of friends, we're finally getting engaged! She should be feeling happy! She should be excited about her two friends finally deciding to spend the rest of their lives together! The issue, however... was that she wasn't. If anything she was feeling the opposite; sadness, anguish, misery. Those were the feelings she was feeling at the moment.

It wasn't that she wasn't happy that her friends were now engaged. God knows she's been rooting for them from the beginning. But engagements usually lead to marriages, then children, then a family, then everything else that comes afterward, and she realized that at this moment of her life, she was nowhere near those wonderful things. She didn't have a fiancée, she didn't have anyone to love and for them to love back, hell she didn't even have a boyfriend. She had no one, while her two friends seemed like they had everything she wanted.

She was jealous, plain, and simple. Monica and Chandler were moving on with their lives and she was still in the same spot she was 7 years ago; alone, depressed, and left in the dust...

Sudden footsteps snapped her out of her thoughts and her eyes shot open to see who it was. When she turned her head, she spotted Ross walking up the top of the stairs, also dressed up nicely in a fancy suit and tie, with his hair gelled to one side and his face properly shaven. She had to admit that he looked incredibly handsome. He had always cleaned up nicely.

"Wow, you look amazing Rach," Ross greeted when he spotted her, eyeing her up and down.

"Th-thanks," she flustered, unknowingly blushing under his gaze. "You look pretty good yourself."

"Well, I better. I don't want Monica freaking out on me if a piece of hair is gelled the wrong way," he joked, pretending to fix his hair and making her laughed.

Ross... now that was an interesting topic. He was the one person she's ever truly loved and the one person she'd ever been able to imagine a life with. But they had loved one another, then hated one another... and loved one another and hated one another again... and again, and never had it really worked out with them. Their history together sounded almost like a fiction novel, yet it was true, and now they had finally found a balance between lovers and haters. They were simply friends with their feelings still up in the air somewhere.

They say you never truly get over your first love, and she wasn't sure if she agreed with that or not, but whether it be the resounding thoughts she's been having or the handsome look he was sporting at the moment, for whatever reasons she was feeling a familiar attraction towards him that she hadn't felt in years.

Rachel cleared her throat, realizing she had gone silent in the middle of their conversation. "So, um, can you believe this? Can you believe they are actually getting married?"

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