Chapter 19

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"Oh, it's so great to be home!"

Chandler chuckled, wrapping an arm around his wife's waist as they mounted the final set of stairs. "It sure is, but I am going to miss our honeymoon."

Monica smiled. "Me too. It was so nice being out in the sun like that, and the beautiful ocean... who knows? Maybe we might be able to go back there for our one-year anniversary."

"If we can make it to one year," he joked, earning a slap on the arm. "Too soon?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Hey, by the way, do you get the feeling that Greg and Jenny didn't really like us?"

"What? Why wouldn't they have liked us? I thought we were awesome people to hang out with."

"I know right. Your jokes were funny and on point."

"Yeah, and you asked all the right questions."

Monica nodded in agreement. "Well, that's their loss then. I guess it's time to return back to our non-coupled friends."

"Well, I wouldn't say all of them are non-coupled," Chandler pointed out.

"Oh right, I forgot about Ross and Rachel. Can they even be considered a couple?" she questioned.

"I would consider them one. What else would you label them as?"

"Two stubborn and stupid people."

Chandler laughed. "That's actually pretty accurate." He paused for a moment and thought of something. "Hey, you think Rachel finally told Ross about the pregnancy?"

"Well, she better have. She had an entire week to do so," Monica responded.

"Ok, but say she hadn't told him yet. Would you actually go and tell Ross yourself?" he asked.

Monica crossed her arms. "Chandler I was serious about that. I get the whole drama between those two and how there are things that always keep them apart, but a baby is something else. He has a right to know; that baby belongs to him too."

"Then let's hope you won't have to step in," Chandler commented. "The last thing those two need is something else that will keep them apart."

Monica rolled her eyes and shook her head, walking forward down the hall towards her apartment door. She gently set her luggage down against the wall, reaching for the doorknob but before she even touched it, a voice caught her attention.

"Monica? Is that you?"

She spun around and looked down the hallway, wondering who called her name. She looked up at Chandler and raised an eyebrow. "Did you hear that?"

He nodded but looked just as confused. "Yeah, but there's no one around. Maybe it's a ghost."

"Chandler? Is that you too?"

"Woah, hey, take her first!" he jumped, pushing Monica back into the hall. She turned around and gave him a glare.

Just then the door opposite to theirs swung open, and to their surprise, Phoebe and Joey walked out, both wearing heavy winter coats while pulling along a bag of luggage each. Monica and Chandler looked at them strangely.

"Hey, guys! You're back!" Joey greeted, smiling from beneath his large hood.

"And so are you...?" Monica responded.

"Joey, did you touch the thermostat again?" Chandler asked, eyeing their winter-wear.

Joey crossed his arms, almost in a pout. "No, you taped it up, remember?"

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