Chapter 2

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A week has passed since the 'bonus night' and things have begun to settle down. All the excitement from Monica and Chandler's engagement has finally dispersed and the only significant difference now is the shiny new piece of jewelry on Monica's finger. Phoebe and Joey are doing their own thing, still technically unemployed, but that doesn't seem to bother them much.

And as for Ross and Rachel? Well, things are a bit complicated between them since that night. For the past week, they hadn't spoken much or even had a meaningful conversation. It wasn't like they were avoiding each other, but they also weren't going out of their way just to talk with one another. For them, it was still awkward to see each other when the images of that night were still fresh in their minds.

It was a Friday afternoon, and the friends had gathered in Monica and Chandler's apartment after work to just talk and hang out as they normally do. Phoebe and Rachel were in the kitchen helping Monica cook while the guys watched TV in the living room.

"I'm telling you, we need to go after a wide receiver. Like Tim Brown!"

"No way, the Giant don't have enough money for a big name wide receiver. We have to go defense and get some depth!"

"What? You don't think Strahan is good enough?"

"No, I think the rest of the guys aren't good enough."

Chandler sat there in his arm chair as Joey and Ross argued over what approach the Giants should take in the offseason. He personally had never been into football as much as they were, but he simply nodded along just to not be ridiculed about how 'un-masculine' he was.

"Chandler!" Joey yelled, snapping him out of his short daze. "Can you believe Ross doesn't think our defense is good enough?!"

Chandler blinked. "Um... uh... what?"

"I didn't say that," Ross shot back. "All I said was that it was a bigger need than getting a big name wide receiver. Right Chandler?"

"Uh... I... um..."

"Chandler!" They both yelled in unison, making Chandler sink deeper into his chair.

"Hey!" Monica yelled from the kitchen, getting their attention. "How about you three stop arguing over nothing and help me in the kitchen?"

"Yes ma'am!" Chandler quickly responded, happy to get away from the football talk. Ross and Joey sighed but followed him anyways.

"Ok so here's what you're going to do. Chandler, you're going to cut these potatoes while Ross, you mix these spices into bowl. Joey, you just sit there and don't eat anything." Monica ordered. "Got it?"

The guys nodded their heads and took a seat at the table. Ross and Chandler got to work while Joey sat there with a pout.

"Uh oh. Um... Mon?"

"Yeah?" She turned around to see why Rachel was calling her.

"Is this sauce supposed to be brown?" Rachel asked, holding up the wooden spoon and showing her the discolored sauce.

"NO! Rachel! You burnt the sauce! Did you not turn off the stove when it started to boil?"

"Oh, is that what it meant? I thought the boiling meant it was only starting to cook."

Monica face-palmed. "Urgh! Rach! Now I have to make a new batch! Just sit down!"

"Ok," she said quietly with an ashamed look, taking a seat next to Joey. "You too huh?"

Joey nodded. "I'm so hungry!" he whined. Rachel gently patted him on the back while Ross and Chandler laughed.

"Geez Mon, what's got your panties in a twist?" Phoebe asked as she handed her the freshly washed vegetables.

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