Chapter 20

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"So, today's the day, huh?"

Monica handed Rachel the cup of hot tea as she took a seat on the couch next to Phoebe. She thanked her with a smile and took a sip of the hot drink.

"Yeah, today's the day," she said afterward."You nervous?" Phoebe asked.

Rachel gently placed the cup of tea on the table. "A little..." she fiddled with her thumbs for a bit. "... actually no, I'm really nervous."

"You think they'll be mad?" Monica asked hesitantly."My mom? Maybe... but my dad? Definitely yes."

What the girls are referring to is the fact that today is the day that she and Ross are going to tell her parents about the pregnancy. The two of them have been putting this off for the longest time but now that she was going to start showing soon, they knew they couldn't delay it any further.

"I'm sure Sandra won't take it too hard," Monica said, continuing off of what she had said.

"Oh, yeah, I think my mom will be surprised more than anything. It's my dad I'm worried about..."

"Then imagine it's like a bandage. Do it quick and it might not be as bad," Phoebe suggested.

Rachel shook her head. "I don't think that'll work in this situation Pheebs. You don't know my dad like I do. He used to flip out about every one of my boyfriends. God knows how mad he'll be when I tell him I'm pregnant, not to mention with Ross."

"He hates him that much?"

She nodded her head. "I think it's almost a hobby of his." She let out a groan and shook her head. "Oh, this is going to go so badly. Wait, what if I just don't tell him?"

"Not this again, Rachel you have to tell him," Monica said firmly.

"No, no, hear me out. What if I don't tell him now, and in a couple of years I just let the baby tell him instead!" she exclaimed.

"What? You can't do that. Then he's going to get all mad at the baby and that's not fair," Phoebe said.

"Well, that's... the baby's problem..."

"Rachel..." Monica said, staring her down.

"Uh, ok fine." She sunk down into her seat. "At least I'll have Ross with me..."

"Hey, by the way, how are things going between you two?" Phoebe asked.

Rachel smiled, finally moving onto a more likable subject. "Really good. Better than good actually, things have been amazing."

"So does that mean you two are a couple again?" Monica jumped in.

"Um..." she scratched the back of her head. "...uh, well not exactly."

"Uh oh, what do you mean by 'not exactly'?"

"Well I mean things are still a little complicated," she explained, thinking of how she was going to explain this. "We're together, I know that for sure. We kiss and we go out, all of that stuff, but we don't do the other stuff that couples would normally do, like share a room or... you know... have sex."

"So you're saying you guys are a couple, but without the extra perks of being a couple," Phoebe summarized, and she nodded. "That doesn't bother you?"

Rachel shook her head. "Maybe a little in the beginning, but honestly I'm not too bothered. I spent over a month without him and it was the worse time of my life, and now that we're back together and going to raise this baby together, that's all I care about."

Her two friends awed in unison and she let out a soft laugh.

"Look how far you've grown. I told you things would work out with the two of you," Monica said.

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