Chapter 24

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Ross sighed as he put his pen down on his desk, rubbing his eyes. He stared aimlessly at the unfinished papers in front of him as his eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. This was the third time in the past half hour. At this point, he just shouldn't even bother trying to finish his papers.


"I'm coming sweetie!" he yelled back, slowly getting up from his desk and heading out of the bedroom. He turned off the light behind him, knowing he was probably finished for the day.

Stepping into his living room, his eyes immediately darted to none other than his very pregnant girlfriend, Rachel, who was squirming on the couch, adjusting pillows and moving around to find a comfortable position to sit in.

Exactly one week ago was supposed to be her due date, but alas, she was late, and it was beginning to take a toll on her. Every day she was becoming more irritated and snapping at all the little things, him included. Then there were the times where she'd call him non-stop to help her with the simplest of things, like today, and while he didn't have a problem helping her out, not only would he get an ear-full afterward but it also made it impossible for him to do anything else.

She was miserable, he could see, but her being miserable was making him miserable as well.

"You wanted me?" he asked, getting her attention. She turned around on the couch and immediately frowned.

"How long does it take for you to walk from the bedroom to here?" she snapped angrily.

"I was trying to finish that paper I'm writing, remember?" he answered slowly.

She let out a groan. "You and your stupid dinosaurs. I need you here. Your paper can wait."

Ross let out a breath of air and decided to let her other comment slide. "Alright, I'm here. What do you need?"

"That pillow," she said, pointing at a pillow resting on a chair only a few steps away.

Normally he'd say something about that but under the current circumstance; he decided to keep his mouth shut. Without a word he walked over and grabbed the pillow, handing it to her, to which she snatched it out of his hand.

"Anything else sweetie?" he asked, trying to show her that he was on her side.

Instead of answering she ignored him, moving the pillow he just handed to her to adjust her sitting position, though, by the look on her face, she didn't seem to be any more comfortable than before. Ross just quietly took a seat on the chair nearby, knowing when he should just kind of disappear and give her some space.

After about a minute of constant squirming and adjusting, Rachel finally settled into a position that was somewhat comfortable. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, her head snapped towards him and she gave him an unimpressed look.

"So what? Now you're just going to sit there and watch me?" she questioned.

"You said you wanted me here," he pointed out.

"Ugh, fine," she groaned. "You know, you will never know just how miserable I feel right now."

"Oh... I think I have an idea," he mumbled.

"What's that?" she snapped.


She let out another sigh of annoyance and shook her head. "You know what? You guys have it easy. Why is it that the man just has to impregnate the woman and after that, the woman suffers the rest of it?"

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