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The question baffled me. I blinked several times, whether I heard it right or not. My friend was waiting for an answer, one that I couldn't say immediately, directly.

"Come on, Nine. Would you do Chen?", Pavel again was asking the question that he asked during the TEP lie detector game.

"The machine is just a toy, Pavel. It's really random", I said finally, the only legit answer, and what I kept repeating during the game itself.

"So? Now there's only you and me. No toy whatsoever. Why are you so defensive, if it is not what you felt, just a simple answer, yes or no, isn't it?", Pavel said while sipping his Americano.

Pavel was right. I was overthinking much. But, I really couldn't give a definite answer.

"Why are you so interested in my answer, though?", I asked, Pavel, smirking to let him knew I won't easily comply to his quest.

"Because I'd already asked the other one the same question", Pavel smirked back, knowing that he got me interested there. I could never surpass Pavel's sneaky tendencies, but because he did it so charmingly, most of the time, both Joong and I were caught under his spell, unguarded.

"Oh... Then, his answer?", I tried to ask nonchalantly, yet, my heartbeat suddenly rose in anticipation.

"Not blaberring anything, I won't betray my bro", Pavel shook his head and scooped a piece of cheese cake to not talk more.

"Then, I won't tell you my answer too", I said, playing as hard as he did.

"Damn, there, I already got it", Pavel said and laughed.

"Get what? I'm not telling... ", I was dubious.

"When you said you're not telling your answer, well, you... actually have an answer itself, meant, you're thinking about it, whether you try to avoid it or not, isn't it, Nine?", Pavel again made me confused. Is he trying to make me slip the truth out? What is the truth? I didn't have a definite answer myself.

"Think whatever you liked, P'. Joong is innocent, he would definitely answer as direct as he is, but you won't get them from me".

"Yes. I predicted that as well. I just wanted to see your reaction to it. Maybe, you had learnt how to play it cool from Dome, damn, that is one hard shell to crack. He just smiled and played along with me everytime, until I am more confused rather than feel secured".

I laughed to what Pavel said, yes, P'Dome was so accomodating that you didn't know where you stand with him, as in what level, and I guess that's why Pavel was confused.

The issue was forgotten, and we talked about Pavel's multiple business ideas till it was almost evening that I get to my dorm. To my surprise, Joong was almost asleep, sitting on the floor outside of my door, leaning his back on the wall.

"Joong, wake up...", I greeted him gently, and saw that sleepy eyes opened slowly, shook his head to clear the trace of sleepiness and smiled at me.

"Finally, P', you're home", he said and followed me inside.

"Why didn't you call? I could get back earlier?", I said and wonder. Joong took out his phone from his bag and shown a black screen, "No battery", he said and smiled sheepishly. I took his phone and charged it at the plug on the table. Joong jumped and laid down on the bed among the plushies.

"Still sleepy?", I asked as I laid down at the other side, not that sleepy, but just to be able to talk while looking at the sleepy baby.

"Hmm. Today, had an early schedule, 4am already went to the filming site, finished by 2pm", he said in his tired voice, but the heavy eyelids still half opened and looked at me.

"Then, why didn't you just go back home, and take that needed rest. If you finished at two, then you arrived here till're waiting for 2 hours already...", I said and pinching his cheek.

"I did, didn't I, go home;", he said and pinching my cheek back, and smiled. My heart was flooded with warmth. How just three words could make you feel liked a precious person.

"Sorry you have to wait for long. I was with P'Phoom", I said and Joong just smiled again.

"He must be persistent with you, wasn't he? You are made of harder shell", Joong said with a glint in his eyes.

"So, you could guess? He did tell me he asked you first", I said and bit my lips to stop from asking Joong further, the answer that Pavel refused to reveal.

Joong looked at me and down to my bitten lips. My ears felt hot, must be red again. It was always liked that whenever my shyness shown towards this guy boldness.

"You wanted to know my answer? You bit your lips too hard, it has turned red", he said and touched the bottom lip gently, "ah, now was just liked that time; the sacred scene shooting, again; we laid on our side, looking at one another, your face and ears were red, and I...might be tempted to make a few wrong takes, to have a few first kisses...", he said quietly.

"You dare? I might be tempted to kick you again, then...", I said, playing along too. Joong was quietly looking at me, reading my eyes, maybe.

"Yes, Nai", he suddenly said to me, moved away, laid down on his back and closed his eyes. I was stunt.

"Yes? To what? Joong...", I said, but the guy was already ignoring me and proceeded to sleep easily. He must be really really tired or just plain sneaky. Just as I learnt coolness from Dome, Joong must learnt sneakiness from Pavel.

Yes, to what Pavel asked about?
Yes, to the fact that he purposely ruined takes to have few first kisses?
Yes, to that he wanted to relive the scene again and kiss me now?
Yes... to what?

Despite not knowing what his yes stood for, I moved closer, laid my head near his shoulder, stretched my arm to hold his waist, and my foot tangling with that of his; hugging him securedly, liked a big teddy. I was suddenly, feeling sleepy too.

I inhaled his musky natural scent, and quietly said out of sudden too, "Yes, Joong". I closed my eyes, and fell asleep with a smile; though, I would never be sure, whether he heard it or not.

Well, someday....we'd know, what both of our yes-ses, stand for.

The End

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