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"No wayyyy...are you bringing the whole house, Joong?", my eyes widened looking at the size and amount of bags that were arranged on the pavement, to be lifted into the car's bonnet.

"Urgh, P', the pipe was leaking, undetected, yesterday, since my aunt was at work the whole day. All of this got wet and dirty since my clothes were bundled up on the floor. That's why I need your help to bring all these to the laundrette".

"Oh! Where did you sleep then, if the living room was flooded?". Joong just shook his head. "What?! Not sleeping at all? Why didn't you call me? I could come here to fetch you, Joong", I said with a stricken face. I understood that he didn't want to burden me, but this was not planned, mishap happened. I helped him to lift the five bags into the bonnet and said, "Should I go up and greet your aunt first?". "She's not in, already went to the airport for work", Joong said, so off we went to the launderette that was nearby my house. Joong would sleep at my house for three days, since the laundrette need time to clean all the clothes, blanket and thick linen Joong had brought.

Mae was happy that Joong again stayed at the house. He was missed much. Mae said, the house was a bit quiet without the mischief maker being scolded by me, endlessly. Joong just smirked and gave Mae a big hug, said he missed her too. The day went by in chaos; my sister insisting for us to finish the dessert that she baked in access for her first try, my brother sneezed non-stop, an early sign of flu, because he was soaked in rain during football match at school yesterday, the dogs following Joong around for they had not seen him for so long. While lounging in the living room, everyone was trying to say one thing before the others had finished. It was loud, but also happy.

When midnight came, we said goodnight after watching a good thriller movie and went to our rooms. Mae had put extra pillows on my bed, ah, it's been so long since he was here that I moved the pillows to the storage cabinet, and now seeing it on my bed again somehow made me smile. After a nighttime skincare routine, I laid down beside Joong who played game on his phone. As soon, Joong put down his phone, laid on his side and looked at me. I turned to my side too and raised my brows to indicate that I was curious being look at as such.

"This is the only place that feel almost as if I am at home with my family; Mae treating me liked her son, and your siblings too; all your family, even your dogs is so lovely".

"Then, come here more often".

"Urgh, our schedule doesn't match that much now, P'Nai. I can't let you drive me around liked before. That's why I sleep at the office, the company could send me to wherever the work is".

I gulped and sighed. Joong was right. Since the series ended, and not much events going on for it any more, we had moved on to other jobs more. I helped my dad's business and a web show, whereas Joong, was busy on filming locations. Once in a while, we did some gigs together, but it was more of promotional live rather than a full scale event we used to have, together.

"You sleep at the office, right? Then, yesterday, did your aunt call because of the flooded floor? So, you went there to take care of your things?", I asked, waiting for his answer. Joong bit his lips and hesitated to say something, which was so not liked him.

"P'Nai...I...lied...", Joong hesitantly said. Slowly, I sat up, causing Joong to sit up too.

"What are you lying about, Joong?"

"There's no leak...I told my aunt that I needed to bring that bags for my stay at the office". His eyes were downcasted, feeling guilty.

"Why? You could just ask me to send you straight to the office. Why resorting to all the hassle?"

"For an excuse to stay here, longer...if not, we would only meet for two hours and then you'll be gone. Before, I could stay here without guilt because it was due to quarantine. But, my mother already asked me to not impose on you anymore than necessary, so now, I have no more excuses, P'", he said, a little down.

I laughed and ruffled his hair, "You know what, nong...I knew already that you lied", my words caused Joong to raise up his face and looked at me in surprise, "while you're waiting at the counter for the receipt, I went a little away and called auntie, to tell her that you would sleep at my home for three days. Auntie was surprised because she heard you said the manager would fetch you from the apartment". Joong grabbed his hair and grunted in embarassment. "Ah, don't worry, I covered you up saying a last minute change of plan, and I promised her to send you....and your five bags to the office this weekend".

"I'm so sorry, P'. It's alright, I'll take a Grab to bring the bags to the office later, and not to burden you with this nonsense further".

" time, just say directly if you wanted to stay here. No need to make up anything. I'll go and get you, wherever you are".

When the five bags were brought to the office, the manager was confused since Joong usually would just bring enough and then would get the new fresh set of clothes from his aunt's house every fortnight. Joong kept quiet, but, Nine just smiled and told them that the house pipe was leaking, thus the need to temporarily bring the bags to the office, and later would bring the bags, back to the house.

Well, let just say, the bags travel a lot, for actually, no reason at all.

The End

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