My Baby

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At what point you had enough? At what point you just don't have the energy to even say a word? At what point you wanted everything to be back as it was? At what point you started to think all of these questions?

Looking at my full schedules, I should have been happy, but I was too tired. My feet were sore, too many shooting in a harsh condition. My back started to feel hurt, I slept at an awkward position, from place to place, chair, table, floor, hard soil, sand and grass.

I missed talking with someone till morning, I missed my family, I missed having a good laugh, I missed being my innocent carefree self. I shouldn't complaint, people would say I was ungrateful, so I cried alone, in a quiet night, without a voice, just dampness under closed eyes.

I felt someone embraced me from behind, giving my cheek a gentle kiss, stroking my hair to disarray, teasing, wanting me to smile a little. I couldn't. I was too tired.

"It had been 3 days. People are searching for you. Why didn't you tell anyone from your company that you came here?", the sweet smile, the calm voice, the understanding eyes that looked sincerely at me without judging. He sat in front of me, taking a stool from the side table, facing me upfront.

"Tired. I wanted to not think about anything, more so work, and just be here, with you..."

"Yes. I understand. But, let them know first, so that no bad news would go viral on your whereabouts. They called me, and I've yet to return the call. It's not in my nature to lie".

"You felt burdened? Being with me liked this was difficult?".

"No. Not a burden, but we have certain commitments to uphold, to everyone that surround us with so much love and support. We won' t be us without them".

"Then where is us if everything should always relate back to them? You must have felt that I am selfish".

"No, not selfish. You hold too much on your young shoulder, yes, it is tiring, I know and could see the sign that you are at a breaking point. That's why I let you be here, and let you choose however you want to move next. Yet, you have to still go tomorrow... Your schedule... ", he trailed off, seeing and understood that my lips had tightened, in stress.

"Could we not talk about work? I thought here at least I am free from one", I became touchy, for I hope here was my safe heaven, but yet, still I was pushed to move again.

He took a deep breath, took my hands and kissed them. He nodded. I knew he wanted to say more but stay quiet. I was being a child, in tantrum. This was how I always was, around him, and him alone. I wanted to not feel my burden, I wanted to have some freedom, I wanted to be pampered, and he understood it all and relent. Though I knew it's not fair for him to keep being the one who saw my ugly side, but if not him, I had no one else.

He sat at my side on the sofa, stretched his arm to wrap them around my shoulder. I leaned heavily on his side, closed my eyes and breathed, inhaling his sweetness, that always could calm me down.

"I'm sorry...", I said quietly.

"Hmm...", he said, and stayed silent too, but his hand moved to carress my hair gently till I unconsciously fell asleep. It's enough, this gentle hold was always... enough.


"And... CUT! Alright, good work, this third shot tied everything, perfect!", the director's voice sounded from the audio  connection, meaning we had done it well.

But the person who leaned on my shoulder didn't wake up. He really was too tired, and I understood. Today shoot was his third productions in a week. The fans waited for this for almost 3 years, finally we were together again in a series.

We had another scene to shoot after an hour break. I signaled the crew to let us be, I wanted to let him rest, just liked how the scene we shot just now. Let him rest as much as he could, no matter that my stomach was grumbling in protest, or his body that leaned heavily almost caused my neck to strain sideways.

Sleep my baby, it's alright. I took out my phone carefully from my pocket, and just play some games in silent while waiting for him to wake up.

The End

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