Unspoken Pt. 2 : Voice

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"Hello? Is this, Nine?", a foreign voice was heard from a familiar number. An uncomfortable coldness, swept my palms.

"Yeah. But, who are you?. This is Joong's number, but you're definitely not him", I said, a little roughly.

"This is the police. We found an unconcious man lying on the road, no identity card with him, might be stolen, but we found his phone near the site, thrown a bit away, in a scuffle most probably. He might be about to call you before this happen, so your number is captured on the screen. If you're nearby, please immediately come to the City Hospital, we'll wait for you here".

All I remembered, was driving recklessly, lucky that I arrived safely, though with a few traffic offences to come later, but that was the least of my worry. I talked to the police, answering question after question. At the same time, waited anxiously for the person who was still being treated inside. After more than three hours, finally I was called by the nurse, the police must had given my name as the guardian for Joong. Joong lived alone, since his grandmother who raised him, passed away three years ago.

I walked in and the doctor explained to me that they had already treated the stab wound at the side of his body, lucky that it missed just a few inches of his kidney. He bumped his head too on the ground, thus the swelling on his temple. He was put under a sedative for the minor operation, and thus might take a little time to be fully awake.

I sat at his side, holding his hand. Why were you there around my neighbourhood, Joong? Was that why my number was on your screen, that you wanted to call me? I couldn't find a definite answer. Since our last meeting on that wedding banquet two months ago, we never had further engagement for anything else. A few times, I did press his number, yet didn't follow through, part of it was because of his reaction during our meeting which didn't seem encouraging. But then, the bigger part was because what happened about two weeks ago.

I sighed heavily, thinking back of the chance meeting with his lady while we're attending the same seminar at one of the hotel. Linda, she said as she extended her hand for a handshake. She came to greet me first, smiling and said Joong wanted to go back in a hurry after congratulating the bride and groom, and thus, although she wanted to greet me, she missed the chance because of that.

All the while, I couldn't help but look at the pretty and simple diamond ring on her engagement finger. I gulped, and maintain a friendly demeanour all through the talk. But then, her phone rang, and she smiled as she excused herself, saying that her fiancée gave a call to pick her up from the venue. She looked so in love, and happy.

What had happened to Joong and I, was...a miss chance. There was a time,  in a weak moment, I thought of the what ifs', of the memory from five years ago; that, had I relented to my own desire and just kissed him, would we find out, what is us? Yet, when that sorrow was replaced back by rationality, I was on the same set of belief; that he shouldn't be a cheater, and I shouldn't put myself that low, just because of an unwarranted need.

I shook my head to clear my mind. Right now, he was the priority, not us, not our defunct relationship, not past memories too.  I tried to scroll down his cracked phone screen. Searching for Linda's number. Should I call? It is past midnight. But, he needed her, not me.

The ringing was long, she must have fallen asleep, or hesitated to pick up an unknown number. With a little hope, I keep the call on. After a third try, only then, the call was picked up.

"Hello... Who is this...", the groggy voice, sleep laden.

"Linda, sorry, it's Nine...", I said, and could hear her trying to clear her tight throat before answering back

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