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15 years ago, Nine 10

"Joong Archen!!!!!! You wait there. Waitttt for me.... Maeeee...", I shouted while running and crying at the same time. The cow was chasing us, thanks but not, to our neighbour's grandson, Joong Archen. Joong who had longer legs was running faster, leaving me quite behind with the cow in tow, mad that it's hide was smacked by the one who was at the front, and  almost got us hospitalised if not for the help of the nearby farmer who baited it's attention.

10 years ago, Nine 15

"Joong Archen!!! You're so dead if I catch you!!!", I ran while shouting, to the teen who had caused me to fall into the mud pool, running away, again from the bee that chased us, courtesy to the one whose wood pole that was suppose to be used for harvesting rose apple, poked a bee hive. All he got was swollen cheek and I was saved from the bee sting but looked liked a swamp thing, covered in mud all over.

5 years ago, Nine 20

"Joong Archen!!!! Come back here you brat! You need a tough butt kick... Eyyyy!!!", I said while running away from an angry man who chased us. Joong ran too fast for me to catch up when he was the one who caused the mishaps. How could he date and dump a young muay thai champion's sister in only two months?!. I was not so lucky that I happened to be walking together with him at the time. In the end, he got swollen cheek and broken lips, and I, a sprained shoulder, trying to stop the fight.

Recent year, Nine 25

"Joong Archen!", I shouted as soon as I saw the familiar back of the very tall person. I had stopped growing, yet he seemed to be so much taller when I last saw him five years ago. He turned around, but not acknowledging or giving me a smile. He said something to the person who stood beside him, and the lady nodded and enter the wedding banquet first.

"Nine Kornchid. You didn't change much", he said as he looked at me from the top of my hair to the sole of my shoes and back again to look at me in the eyes. Cold. Why did he become so distant liked this? I hid my agitation behind a smile.

"You grew taller, now that I am in front of you, I realized that I reach only to your chin. Five years not that long, but now I couldn't reach the top of your head without tip toeing...", I said and tried to rumple his dark hair liked I always did when we grew up practically together, but he took a half step back, subtle but not unnoticeable, causing me to drop my hand, a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, but, this is a formal event", he said and looked uncomfortable at my familiar gesture.  Yeah, he was right, he was not the eighteen years old 'brat' that smiled and laughed freely, anymore. I used to feel exasperated with that, but now, facing the ice statue in front of me, that version seemed better. I nodded and tried to break the awkward situation.

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. And, did. So...you should go in. Errm, your lady, must be waiting at the table", I said and even tapped his arm to move ahead. He was about to move, but the invitation card that he held fell to the floor. Without warning, just a simple reflex, we both tried to grab it at the same time, causing his palm to engulf mine which reach the card first.

Maybe it was my imagination, but his fingertips lingered unnecessary a bit long, and he took the chance to caress the back of my hand too, causing me to jolt, and let go of the card, which he grabbed swiftly and stood up. I stood up too, and looked at him with confused eyes. His eyes dimmed, and schooled his expression back to the frozen state,"Nine, glad that you're back. See you...around...", he said and moved into the banquet hall.

15 years ago, Joong 8

"Older?", I asked to my grandma again, "But, he's just as tall as me...", I said while munching the pineapple that my grandma cut fresh from the back of our home.

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