The Carnival Part 1

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Y/n's Pov

I heard knocks at the door so I went downstairs to see who it was it was my friend Gon he had invited me to hang out with him and the gang so I say "Gon let me get ready then I'll meet you there,so where we going?" "Where going to the carnival that's in town for a week!" He says with excitement

And so after he left I put on some ripped jeans and a cropped t-shirt I grabbed a purse that can come off my shoulder and inside the purse had my money a hunting knife I had the knife hidden though

I got there "Y/n over here!" Says Gon I started running up to him "hey Gon, Kurapika, leorio, and Killua" I say as I come to a stop "hey Y/n" Kurapika says "Let's go already Y/n's here now so let's go!" Gon says

We are walking around and I see a cool rollercoaster "Does anybody wanna ride that rollercoaster with me?" I ask "I will killua wanna come too!" Gon says "sure" killua says I could feel a light blush appear on my face then I just went to wait in line we rode the rollercoaster Gon sat infront of me and Killua sat next to me to bad the rollercoaster came to a stop

We kept walking around and riding rollercoasters and prize games it was close to sunset and the ferris wheel was lighting up and nobody had got on so we went to the line and waited "we should have two a cart!" Gon suggested "yeah we should" Kurapika agreed "I'll be with Kurapika" leorio says "I'll sit with Y/n" Killua says "that means I'll be alone!" Gon says "that means more viewing!" He continues

We get on "look at all the rides!" I say "we rode them all" he said in a teasing way "Killua I knew that just it's pretty from here" I say with a bit of anger he then sticks his tongue out at the girl sitting infont of him "meanie. Look at the sunset!" I say "the people look small" he says "yeah..." I say

Killua's Pov

"Yeah..." Y/n says looking away with her e/c eyes pulling a few strands of her h/c hair behind her ear "well we're close to the top" she says "yeah" I say 'I just noticed but she seems shy when she's around us' the cart comes to a stop out of nowhere and Y/n falls onto my lap I could feel my face heat up a bit

Y/n's Pov

The cart stopped and I fell onto killua's lap I felt my face heat up a lot "uh....sorry!" I say and get back to my seat quickly "It's fine" he says with a light blush "anyways do you like anyone?" 'I say being curious and I didn't know I said it till I said it' "No I don't why you like me?" he says teasing as the cart starts moving again "no just wondering i mean everyone likes someone at least I think heh" I say blushing a bit

~Author here! do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out! rolls down hill~

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