Why'd She run away?

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Y/n's pov

I got to school with Killua then go to classes like normal then I realise bff/n isn't here I then get called to the office I go there to see kurapika,leorio.Gon ,and Killua there too

"What happened?" I ask kinda worried
"Well you see y/n,Gon, kurapika,leorio and Killua,bff/n ran away and we were hoping you could help with the search since you all are close friends with her" the principal says

"Bff/n ran away?no she wouldn't do that unless..."I pause for a moment "I'm going to look for her I don't care about school I'm going" I say as I run out the door and then the school

I find myself looking everywhere I think she would go just to not find her there I then run to her house

I get there and open the door that was unlocked which is strange since her parents hate the door being unlocked I go to her room just to find nothing but her parents sitting in there together crying saying something like 'i can't believe she did it'

Since they looked a little Traumatized I didn't ask them anything I just stood there thinking trying to connect the dots

I start running anywhere I could just to bump into my dad "what are you doing out of school y/n you know you need to learn"he says "I don't care my best friend ran away and I'm looking for her no matter what you say and I'm not going to that school till I find her so get the hell out of my way!!" I yell at my father I look at him he was looking at me shocked and it quickly turned into anger when I saw my silverette boyfriend running up behind him

"Y/n let's go I have an idea,so I'ma be taking your daughter, let's go y/n!"he says then he picks me up and takes me to the train

I start crying and mumbling everything I felt at that moment he sat there on the train comforting me till I fell asleep

I woke up and I was in killua's arms he looks at me and puts me down I then look at where we are I then realize quickly that were at the Zoldyck mansion he takes my hand and we walk in together

Holding my hand tighter Killua takes me to his house and takes me to a strange room with what I'm guessing is his brother "I need you to find Bff/n Bff/l/n for me I'll do whatever you want"he says "whatever?ok I'll send you what I want you to do I don't want your girlfriend to know,now leave I'll call you when I find info" his brother says

We walk out of his room and walk down the hall a bit "uh Killua you sure he can find Bff/n?" I ask playing with my fingers he then grabs my waist with one hand and the there shushing me

"I'm sure he can at the least get us close to her" he says "so don't worry to much I'll help you find her and Gon is still back at home looking for her and hoping she comes back" he says in a comforting voice

I just hope he's right and we find her Killua then stops holding my waist I look at him a bit confused he then checks his phone oh he must be checking what his brother wants him to do he sighed and looked at me

Did it have something to do with me I thought

"Sorry y/n,what he wants me to do is kinda twisted so I'm sorry"he says leaving me confused he made a face that says please don't ask what he wants me to do

"It'll be alright,right as long as we find Bff/n"I say he looks at me then he looks a little scared I turned around to see his mom

"Oh Kill your back again and who's this?why'd you bring her here?" She says I just give her a disgusted look

"I'm going to be leaving soon,and you know I enrolled into a school so your not gonna stop me from leaving"he says as I stated at his mom with disgust

"Who is this kill?tell me now"she says in a stern tone  "Y/n"he says "why is she here" she says

"Because I wanna" I say out loud realizing what I just said I looked at her to make sure she's not trying to attack me

"Y/n,I was talking to kill how rude of you"she says I dug myself into a hole might as well make it deeper right?

"And I was talking to you"I say looking at Killua to see him glaring at his mom I just smiled at him trying to convince him I'll be ok

Because I'm going to be okay

Hope you enjoyed cya next chapter~gets ran over~

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