Lorana Part 3(Beach Fun)

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Y/n's Pov

we went back to the hotel and went to sleep

I wake up and get ready for the beach wearing my favorite bikini under a medium length red skirt with a white t-shirt I go for a small walk around the hotel for some air I go back to the room and everyone's ready I grab my purse and we walk to the beach

We set up the area and i take Gon and Killua on a walk on the beach with me

Third View Pov

With Leorio and Kurapika "are they gone?" Leorio asks "yeah" Kurapika answers

With Y/n,Gon,and Killua "why did you take us on a walk" killua asks "yesterday all we did was swim and splash so how about we look for shells" Y/n answers "let's see who can get the best shells!" Gon suggested me and Killua nodded then we all started looking for shells

-an hour later-

"Okay show us the shells you got Gon!" Y/n says Gon shows a lot of normal shells Y/n shows her shells she has one tiny twirled one killua shows us a shell like hers but bigger "okay I vote killua" Y/n says "I vote me too" Killua says "I vote mine!" Gon says while jumping

They make there way back to the area and they start playing in the water

Y/n's Pov

We were jumping waves one wave cought me of guard and I came up and I see that my bikini is starting to come undone so i try to go back towards the area to fix it but then "hahaha I got Y/n!haha!" Gon says "I'm going to take a tan" I say as I tan I watch as killua's blue eyes start looking at girls there was one he looked at and whispered something in Gon's ear so I fix my bikini and follow that girl

I follow her into the girls bathroom there are no other girls in there so I make it so people can't get in and I wait outside the stall for the girl I notice that she goes to our school

{There's going to be a fight there will be blood if you don't like blood}

"Hey" I say "hi?oh wait don't you go to my school" she says "yeah....anyways do you like Killua?" I say "huh why?" She says I look down my h/c hair falls infront of my eyes "please answer me?" I say "well..uh.....yeah and isn't he got you have to agree" she says I look at her straight in the eyes with some of my h/c hair still infront of my eyes "yea-....he is....but I'm sorry.....you can't have him" I say then I tilt my head revealing my e/c eyes filled with bloodlust,insanity,and maybe even happyness

"What's that look for...oh you wanna fight okay then let's fight" she say I thought 'Mom and Dad I'm training' "well okay" I say

She pulls out dual knifes today I brought my dagger with me she charges at me and cuts my stomach I turn around and I charge at her she back's up into a wall I cut her arm before she started waving her knifes around luckily I jumped back so she didn't lay a cut on me "wanna end this quickly?" I ask "gladly will" she says I charge at the wall behind her and I jump of of it and I slice some of her neck I then stop and turn around and she stabs me right in my left leg I uppercut her then sliced her neck and blood starts hitting my face I clean myself up and I walk out and I go back to the area

{No more fighting or blood for now}

I see them packing so I start helping we go to the hotel and we start eating we then we went to the park I was swinging then killua swings next to me "Where were you?" He ask "I was using the bathroom and ran into a problem but that doesn't matter anymore" I say "was it some people fighting because we could feel bloodlust coming from the bathroom area?" He asks "yeah you can say that but I'm fine..wanna see a trick" I say trying to distract him from the truth "sure" he says I flip over on the swing my shirt starts showing the cut I tried to cover up "wait is that a cut!?Y/n are you okay?!" He ask I flip back to standing "I'm fine it's just a small cut heh" I say

"Y/n has a cut?!" Gon asks confused "what happened?!" Gon asks "who did it?" Killua asks "I'm fine" I start walking and I feel the cut in my leg open and I fall to my knees "ugh ow!" I let out the pain "Y/n what happened" killua asks "is Y/n okay what's wrong!" Leorio says "I got in a fight and got stabbed and it hurts!" I let out under the pressure of the pain they treated it

~Author here! Hehe cliffhanger! hehe haha! do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out! Falls of planet~

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