Something is going to happen

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Y/n's Pov

When we arrive we walk around

And we check into a hotel this time there was one room available "I'm sleeping on the couch!" I say "I'm sleeping next to Gon" bff/n says "Me and Kurapika get the bed!" Leorio says "haha killua you sleep on the floor" I say "we are sleeping on the floor too!" Gon and bff/n says together

"But you get to cuddle he has to cuddle the floor" I say "I'll sleep on you if you don't shut up!" He yells with a light blush "but I'm right" I say laughing "okay your my bed!" He says "let's go to a sweet shop" bff/n says

When we got sweets we sat and ate them were walking down the sidewalk when someone passes us I stopped 'no it can't be not again' I thought as the others were trying to snap me out of it

"Let's get to the hotel" I say we got to the hotel room I sat on the couch and called my parents

M: hey sweetie your dad's not with me so why did you call me

Y: hey and did you do it again

M: yes to see how those friends of yours will react and to see how you progressed well gotta go your dad needs his medicine

Y: ....bye...

End call

I sat there in silence for a minute then I went outside to train after I was done I went to the room and went to sleep

The next day I woke up every one was up so I went to the bathroom with bff/n and we changed i put on a black tank top and Orange Shorts I put my hair into a pulled back ponytail I didn't pay attention to what she was doing

"I think we should go to the gym today" I suggested they all gave me the look that yells we just got here why should we go to the gym "well you never know we might run into trouble heh" I added "pleaseeeeeeeee~~" I begged "okay we'll go to the gym" Kurapika says

We went to the gym and worked out "hey y/n is something bad going to happen?" Killua whispers too me "W-Why would you think that?" I asked "well you wanted to come here and yesterday you went to train" he stated "don't tell the others this" I said "but I have a feeling we might get attacked yes it's just a feeling but it might happen" I added then I went to go train on my nen

Later we went to the park and they were running around while I was practicing my nen

~Author here! Hehe! sorry! I had to cut it short because I want to keep the suspension! hehe! do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out!travels to hxh dimension~

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