Lorana Part 4

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Y/n's Pov

"I got in a fight and got stabbed and it hurts!" I let out under the pressure of the pain they treated it

We got back to the hotel and went to sleep the next day a wake everyone was already up so they were waiting on me so I grabbed clothes and put them on I was wearing a blue short skirt with a white t-shirt that I tucked it in

We were walking to a place to eat after we ate we started walking around the town "we should split up and if you see something interesting call us" Kurapika says "I'll be with Leorio and Gon you two can walk together okay" he adds I nod "okay!" Gon says

After a few minutes after they separate "what do you think would be fun?" I ask "I don't know" killua says "mmhm" I muffled out "Y/n!" He said before he freed me from the unknown person's grip the look in his blue eyes the way his white hair went with the breeze he was trying to protect me to be honest the look on his face turned me on a bit

But before a fight could start the person who did it ran like a coward "are you okay Y/n" he asks "yeah..." I say "what happened yesterday you never said" he says "well I followed her to the bathroom and we started fighting.....and she's was from the same school" I say "why did you start fighting?" He asks "she was jealous...and I showed her that she should stop" I say "anyways thanks" I continue

"Y/n?" Some random girl says "hm?" I say "Bestie!" She says and runs and gives me a hug "it's me bff/n" She says "bff/n?!" I say later we met with the others at a park I saw my best friend blushing every time she looked at Gon and I told killua

"Did you find anything?" Kurapika asks "nope" I say "anyways me and Leorio wanted to say a few things" he says everyone nodes "first tomorrow we're leaving second me and Leorio are dating" he says with blush appearing on his face "what's dating!?" Gon and bff/n asks "uhh... something you and Gon should do" I said teasing "no seriously Y/n! What does it mean?" Bff/n

After explaining what dating is bff/n starts blushing "oh so that's what the feeling is?" She says "no that feeling is love or like or crush and when you date is when only that person can do romantic things with you" I whisper in her ear "so I have a crush thingy on Gon" she says I slam my hand to my forehead "well I think I have a crush on you too!" Gon says "does that mean where dating?" Bff/n says "no you have to ask" I say "do you guys need a example?" Killua says they both nod there heads "okay like this.Y/n will you date me?" He says "and you say yes if you want to and you say no if you don't" I say

"Gon will you date me?" Bff/n asks "Yes!!" Gon says "you guys make me feel single" I say "you are" killua says "you are too" I say "oh right" killua says and shrugs it off ugh another chance wasted

~Author here! Omg! I'm evil? If your Best friend doesn't like Gon sorry I ship Leorio and Kurapika more! sorry!!!do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out!gets ejected Author was not an imposter~

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