Getting Ready For A Great Summer

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Y/n's Pov

"okay I'll ask my perants I'll be back" I say excitedly I walk to my room to call my perants

|On the call(P: for perants (N):for name)|

P: Hello?

(N): Hi Mom and Dad I was wondering if I could have a summer trip with my friends.

P: Will you train?

(N): Yes I will.

P: Do you have a crush yet?

(N): Yes and he's one of the friends.

P: Okay just wondering well bye honey call us every week okay.

(N): Okay bye love you.

|End of call|

Killua's Pov

P:Do you have a crush yet?

(N): Yes and he's one of the friends.

I walked away from her door and went to the room me and Gon share 'she has a crush on one of us who could it be who?' I thought to myself then I snapped myself out of it and started a pillow fight with Gon in the living room she came down I thought her e/c eyes would get angry but instead she just looked away "well my perants said yes so when are we leaving?" She ask me and Gon accidentally threw one at her her e/c eyes became angry but yet happy "Who threw it!?" She asks Gon points at me I point at him she grabbed to pillows and threw them at both of us "now clean up the mess!" She yells

Y/n's Pov

"Okay anyways when we leaving?" I ask "in a few hours" Kurapika says so I run up to my room and grab everything I need and when I came downstairs I saw a note saying they went to pack and that were meeting at my house then leaving so I cleaned up the house made it look clean I double checked if I needed anything else so I waited in the room watching TV the show I was watching was a fighting show with hunters

Door knocks I make my way to the door and let them in and I grabbed my stuff and we left to go to the place where going to "so where we going!" Gon asks "A place Called Lorana it's known for it's mostly hot whether" Kurapika says we sit down and I fall asleep

A little bit later a wake up with killua and Gon playing with my face "Can you stop now? You woke me up" I say "Boring" killua and Gon say with a sigh afterwards "well we can play a small game of truth or dare" I suggested "Sure I'll go first!" Gon says "Truth or Dare Killua!" He continues "dare" killua says "I dare you to dance like a cat!" Gon says killua dances like a cat for 1 minute and stops "that was embarrassing Y/n Truth or Dare" killua says "Truth" I say "is it true you like someone" he says I get flustered "uh.. yeah... I'm not playing anymore.." I say and walk away and then I take another nap

~Author here! Leario will have more parts! lol do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out!rolls into river~

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