Lorana Part 1(Getting There)

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~Are you ready to read about there week in Florida  uh I meant Lorana oop~

Y/n's Pov

walk away and then I take another nap

I wake up and we're there we get of and walk around looking for the hotel we chose to stay in when we got to the hotel they had two rooms available so we got it and we went to our room Kurapika and Leorio shared a room Me,Gon,and Killua shared a room too

"I can sleep on the floor" I say "you sure Y/n we can sleep on the floor" Gon says "yeah I'm sure and plus there's two of you I can sleep on the floor" I say "okay" Killua says "well I'll be back in going to ask what where going to do okay" I say then walks to Kurapika and Leorio's door and knocks "Come in" Leorio says so I walked in "what are our plans for today" I ask "well it's almost night so we will find a place to we eat at and come back" Leorio says "I know a place we passed on the way here" Kurapika chimes in "well okay see ya" I say then I go back to the room I'm staying in

I walk in and grab my purse "we're going to go somewhere to eat" I say "okay!" Gon says and jumps up when we got to the place we ate then left and went to sleep

Killua's Pov

I wake up in the middle of the night I saw that Gon fell on the floor so I grabbed Y/n and put her on the bed I sat on the bed for a few then all of a sudden Y/n grabbed my arm and pulled me closer I tried to escape but I couldn't so I just went back to sleep

Y/n's Pov

I wake up next to killua trying to escape my grip so I let go and sit up "Finally you get up I put you on the bed then you pulled me" he says "I did well sorry heh" I say "yeah and it's fine I guess" he says looking away "well I'ma get ready for today we're going to a water park right?" I ask "yeah Gon got ready and went of to there room" he says

I put on a purple bikini and over it was a pink t-shirt and I wore some peach shorts I grab my purse and we all start walking to the water park

"Look at all those slides there a so many big ones I wanna ride them all!" Gon and I say we then got into our swimsuit's and we went to the first big slide it was all twirly we went to a little area where we could swim for a bit we swam then started spotting slides we wanted to ride

~Author here! I gave Leorio more lines! lol but next part might be a little more good! hehe and sorry if it was shortdo you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out!rolls down cliff~

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