He Knows?

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Y/n's pov

I wake up and Get ready I then start playing on my phone waiting for everyone to wake up

I look up to see killua why is he looking at me and not waking everyone up I bet he'd be happy to do that

"Y/n"he says and bends down sitting on air as I sit in the chair "hm" I say trying not to overthink about why he's talking to me and not Gon "Y'know you can stop acting" he then looks away with a slight blush "Acting like you don't like me" he said as his face got a little more red

Meanwhile I'm over here looking like a tomato I just sat there beet red trying to find words but I didn't know how I should respond to that I mean he knows how long has he known my thoughts were racing till I realized he was looking at me and he was smirking

I just look at my lap and shyly say "how long have you known?and how do you know?" Then I stop being so shy and whisper yell "better yet why tease me?!" He moves and looks at me so I look at him and his face was more red then the last time I saw it

"I've known for awhile,well a suspicion,and bff/n told me before summer started,she told me if I end up planning something for summer with you,she told me to be careful because you liked me and that you might just kill someone,and why tease you? Hmm because you look cute when you blush"

He turned red after calling me cute as if he just realized what he said I then realize that what better time to try and get with him then now so I start talking again

"Killua,uhm do you possibly like me too? Uh I mean do you-wait no,I wanna know if you-" I got cut of by the blushing boy covering my mouth with his hand

"I wouldn't call it like,I'd call it love" he says I then stare at him seeing his beautiful eyes and silver hair I realized just how much I like no love him

"I want to be with you and I'm sure you want to be with me so uh let's date from here on" he says I was shocked that he said it I then realized his face wasn't as red anymore

"Yeah"I say a bit shyly then plop down on the ground infront of him giving him a hug

"OHHH MY GOSH GON I CAN'T HOLD BACK ANYMORE THERE SO CUTE AND I WANT TO CONGRATULATE MY BESTIE" I hear bff/n yell mine and killua's face turning beet red and looking away from them and now where no longer hugging

Time skip heh

Our summer vacation came to an end quickly now where one week in on school all of the girls who liked Gon or Killua mainly stopped getting touchy and flirty but there where the ones who did get like that and id act like an angry pomeranian chasing them off or getting mad and bff/n hold me back or even Killua

And ever since the beginning of school Killua would walk with me from home to school and school to home and he would tease or flirt with me on a daily basis I got used to kissing and being close but when he teases me that's when I start to turn red

I love Killua and he loves me everything is perfect

Hope you liked it time for me to write the rest of the story because I have the motivation and publish it every other day so there's time for me to correct mistakes unlike now you can probably find a few mistakes lol Author-Chan out  ~jumps into sewer and hits bottom two hard~

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