Three run aways reunite

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Y/n's Pov

I won't let myself get killed till I see bff/n back home so I won't let Killua's mom kill me so I start to glare at her

"Kill who is Y/n to you,you know you don't need friends"she says I look at Killua and he looked like he was thinking if he should say or not so I smiled and say"good thing I'm not a friend then"I say

"She's my girlfriend"he says then glares at his mom "leave us alone" he continues

"Kill you didn't even tell us?or ask"she says I was honestly getting pissed off she acts like Killua didn't stab her before and I bet he'd do it again

"he doesn't need to he ran away for a reason now leave us be lady"I say she looks at me it looks like I made her mad well I guess I did my job of pissing people off "y/n.."Killua says trying to make sure I'm not gonna make her hurt me

"Killua I'm fine no need to worry I'm not getting killed till I find Bff/n"I tell him and then I glare at his mom who looked like she was trying to make a plan to kill me without Killua doing something so I did the 'smart' thing and

Say "leave already or I'll kill you" I glared at her she left knowing she couldn't kill me with Killua there as she walked away she mumbled 'you won't be leaving'

I looked at Killua and he was smiling at me "I didn't expect to see you like that usually you act like a jealous puppy so I didn't think I'd ever see you threatening somebody I guess you must be really mad right now?"he says "I guess so"I say

We get a call and go back to his brothers room and he tells us where she was last saw on camera me and Killua rush to the area that camera was at we go there and look for her

I see bff/n and run to her giving her a hug Killua just watched "y/n you shouldn't be here your parents will kill you!"she says

"Then I guess we all are runaway's"I say
She smiled and hugged me back and she tells me and Killua what happened
We get her back to Gon and Killua takes me back to his brothers room it was night time when we got there

His brother explained to me what he wanted from Killua which was for Killua to allow his brother to torture him with me watching so I had to sit there and watch it ofc I wanted to do something but I know Killua would've done something different if he didn't think he could handle it and he's a trained assassin of course he's gonna be able to tolerate torture

I woke up the next day in killua's arms I waited for him to wake up and he did "sorry y/n"he said "no don't be sorry,thank you so much Killua"I say as I hug him tighter

We look at eachother and smile we were going to school and I was living with Killua in his apartment because I was scared to go home he and Gon were roommates

Things were semi perfect we all had our moments and it's been two months since we all ran away Killua's like 3rd or 4th time and mine and bff/n's first run away

Whenever me and bff/n see our parents we bolt where having fun with our life's heh

Yes this story is starting to seem like it'll have a nice ending in there current time it's November so yeah there may be a tiny time skip and the next chapter WILL BE GOOD HEHEHEHEEHEHEHE ~dissovles~

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