Christmas Party/April Fool's (Last Chapter)

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Y/n's pov

Today's Thanksgiving we do normal celebrations

We start playing board games and stuff

Before we know it it's almost Christmas break and there'll be a Christmas party

"Will you go to the dance with me y/n I know you dating Killua but I might change that"a rondom boy from class says to me "no I'm afraid you couldn't handle me or what's going to happen when he finds out"I say

I already know me and Killua are going to go together I walk out of the classroom to see a girl force herself on Killua that's when I decided I wanted to do something

I started weeping like a child "I can't believe you did this"I say Killua looks at me so does the girl that forced herself into him I started crying more "I can't believe you"I say as my cry turns into a laugh "I can't believe you threw yourself on my boy friend now I'll give you one second to get off of him"I say

Killua makes a relieved face to me the girl gets off of him "Y/n don't scare me like that thought I might need to kill her for that"he said "well no need because I will"I say running towards her till Killua holds me back

The girl started running for her life it was so funny I started laughing and so did Killua

It was now the day of the dance I finished getting ready and I went out to the living room and waited for Bff/n she got out and we waited for the boys

We all left and went to the dance were having fun me and Killua ate there whole supply of chocolate

"Wanna dance?"he asked me and I nodded

We danced then a slow dance song came on and we started slow dancing he then leaned to my ear and whispers"wanna leave and go have fun somewhere else y/n?"

I whisper back saying"and do what?" He smirked"that's a secret"he said "ok"I say

We go back to the apartment and look at the stars and he messaged me something my face went beet red to his message I guess he didn't want to say it

I agreed to his message he checked his phone and smirked he turned and looked at me while tugging his tie

Warning: Lemons ahead

He started to take the jacket and tie off he then took off his belt and threw It on the floor

He then came towering over me and pushed me on to the bed he made-out with me as he unzipped my dress

I took my hand and un bottomed his shirt by sliding my finger down

As he slid my dress off my body he kissed me all over my body he then took his pants off

And he started playing with my body ass he mad out with me

He ripped down the middle of my bra and underwear with his nail

As he played with my boobs he took his boxers off

He then entered me a small moan came out of my mouth

He started thrusting in and out of me I couldn't stop myself from moaning so loudly

Lemons are over now lmao

I woke up to Killua next to me then the thoughts of last night came to my mind and I turned into the color red

"Y/n I love you" Killua says and cuddles up with me more "I love you Killua"I say

Time skip(they are now 22 and it's The mourning of April fool's day)

"Hey babe want some eggs?"I ask "yeah of course y/n"Killua says

I made him and me eggs and sat down and ate with him "I have something to tell you"I say he put his attention on me and made a hmm sound "I'm pregnant"I say "really!?"he asks "April Fool's!!"I said laughing a bit

"Damn I really thought I was gonna be a fahter"he said I smiled and he looked at me with a never do that again look

"Well uh That was my April Fool's joke,uh I mean the me saying April Fool's is my April Fool's joke!!"I say he looks at me "are you telling the truth am I really gonna be a dad?!"he asks I nodded  he hugged me from over the table

And that's the story of Y/n and Killua they had a great life together they had three daughters and two sons they where still very close friends with Gon and Bff/n actually they attended Yuno L/n's funeral funeral y/n's dad was in so much grief that day but it all worked out well for Y/n and Killua they lived a good one

Author-Chan is starting to feel like a third wheel anyways I hope you enjoyed the story look for my 2nd Killua x Reader it will definitely have better plot and time it'll probably be better then this on sorry this story kinda sucked in the beginning but now it's better heh Author-chan out~decends into the darkness and dissapaers forever (unless you read more of my stories)~

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