Lorana Part 5 (leaving)

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Y/n's Pov

killua says and shrugs it off ugh another chance wasted

I wake up in the middle of the night and I see that Gon fell on the floor and I see that Killua is still awake "how are you still up?" I ask rubbing my eyes "anyways it's cold don't you think" I add "you can sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the floor" he says and turns his attention to the wall I quickly get on the bed and I grab him before he would go to sleep on the floor "sharing body heat is easier" I say with a light blush appears on my face I made my grip around him tight so he couldn't escape and I fall asleep before he could say anything

The next morning I wake up and I see that I'm still hugging killua and my face goes all shades of red and I stop hugging him and I get up to get ready then I start packing

Bff/n knocks on the door and I let her in "can I join you guys on your trip!?" She asks "sure" Kurapika and Leorio say together "yay! Now we can catch up and have fun hehe" I say excitedly thinking 'and we can talk about how I can get Killua'

We are on the blimp Me and bff/n are talking "y/n do you have a crush thingy?" she asks "yeah..." I say "Who is it? someone from school?" She says "yeah...I would tell you but I'm not ready to tell you.." I say smileing

A bit later she left me to hang out with Gon so I went to a window and I look out of it thinking about things "hey cutie" some rondom drunk dude says 'pedoplile much' I thought "Wanna be mine" he says my e/c eyes instantly widen 'i belong to killua' I thought "I'll take that as a yes~" he says my face expression got angrier then it was not my e/c eyes still were widened I walk pass the dude trying to hold back anger "Never!" I say as I pass him I feel a arm stop me and pull me back "What you know you want me" he says "you will be~" he adds trying not to cause a scene I knock him out and walk away back to the others

When we arrive we walk around

~Author here! What's going to happen next! hehe! do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out!disappears into the shodows~

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