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Y/n's Pov

while I was practicing my nen

Soon we started to walk to a place to eat lunch the streets nearly had people the people on the street looked shady then I saw 'him' and I knew what was about to happen so I walk closer to everybody

Then the shady people starts running towards us and they stop then 'he' starts walking towards us "hello dear sister" he says "how are you?" He adds "tch better without you... Ren" I say "when was the last time we saw each other?... Oh! Yeah two years ago" Ren Says "yeah!...when you tried to kill me!" I say "yup! Now attack her and her friends!" Ren yells

"What kind of brother attacks there sister!" Leorio yells "mine" I let out quietly "so sis! Are you okay with me hurting them?" Ren asks I was angry you could see it on my face "what kind of question is that? Of course not!" I yell

I then see Ren going for a sneak attack on killua which was fighting the people attacking him I start to go towards Ren then he disappears and reappears near the others I start to attack the people near me then I look for Ren and all the people seams to be deaffeated by the others

"Y/n who should I attack" Ren says with a smirk "None" I say "Thought you'd say that so I'll attack you" Ren says "We won't let you hurt y/n!" Gon yells "yeah!" Everyone says

Ren appears behind you you turn around to see bff/n holding his hand to stop him from attacking you giving the others a open to attack Ren, Ren then attacks bff/n with his other hand and knocks her of her balence I was about to attack my brother then I feel a warm arm grab me 
It was killua he took me back to the hotel and locked me in there I'm assuming he went back

Killua's Pov

I locked y/n in the hotel room and I went back to the others and her brother apeared in front of me

"Where's my sister?" He says "away from you" I say "oh well I'll just beat it out of you. oh yeah you can knock her friends out Tarra!" Ren says then I see my friends get knocked out it was just me and him

"Tarra find y/n!" He yells he starts to laugh and he looks at me

"Tarra find y/n!" He yells he starts to laugh and he looks at me

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"Let's see how strong you are Zoldyck" he says

~Author here! Oop! hehe! tell me is this good or bad? I don't want to write something you don't like! do you like it well if you do if you don't mind can you please press the vote button! and if you wanna say something then comment! please I wanna know what you like about it and what I should do! heh Author out! dies from nosebleed after looking at some killua~

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