5.5 Adrian Stovak

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Everyone is yelling at each other. Norah is fussing over Kohen. Miss Wilmot is demanding to know what happened from Kohen. My dad is yelling at me. My mom is trying to clean the spaghetti sauce out of the couch. Celia is repetitively calling Reeve a psycho bitch.

"I told you she just lost it and threw it on Kohen," I tell my dad for the hundredth time.

He sighs, "And I don't believe that."

Celia backs me up, "She did. SHe just stood up and threw it on him then walked out like it was no big deal."

Kohen ignores his mom and Norah and backs me up too, "None of us are lying UNcle Chris."

He just shakes his head. Eddie never got up from the floor so he looks up at us and asks, "So should we all like go or something?"

Miss WIlmot loudly exclaims, "NO! You all enjoy your dinner. I'll handle Reeve. I just have to find her first."

Then the adults walk back into the dining room. Kohen looks down at his drenched shirt, "I've got to go change. A I need to talk to you about something."

Giving Celia's hand a gentle squeeze I go to follow Kohen. Once on the steps he says, "Dude. I can't believe her. She just-"

He doesn't finish but I know what he's talking about.

When Reeve left she hurt Kohen the most. When she lied she hurt me the most. We've both experienced a heartbreak delivered by Reeve Wilmot. We both can understand each other better than anyone else.

He sighs running his fingers through his brown hair, "I just can't believe she's back. I never thought I'd have to ever see her again, I never wanted to and now she's back. And seriously dude, how can you even sit there and not say anything? After everything?"

He's talking about Christian.

"Everyone knows he's innocent. I've learned to just live with it. It doesn't matter whatever lies she told the police he's innocent so I just try to let it not get to me." I tell him.

Kohen was there for me when Christian went to jail. Even though our parents wouldn't let us attend the trail he stayed with me throughout the whole thing. He even sided with me over his own sister.

He's my best friend and I'll never be able to repay him for being there for me so I always try to be there for him.

Inside his room I lean against the doorframe while he changes, "I don't know why my mom would even let her come back. And your parents welcomed her back. I just don't get it."

Neither do I.

    Neither do I

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