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You should really read the Teaser and Warning first. I am not responsible for any things that might trigger you in any of this fanfic chapters. Because I already warned you all. Btw this fanfic will be weird- but please bear with it-

Chapter 1 : TAKEN AWAY
Zim stared at the screen confused and put down the clown puppy thing on the couch. The call was unexpectedly short, in his opinion. The alien still questioning why the tallest is screaming and surrounded by fire though. Is it an Irken trend now? Maybe he should also try it. When he have time.

Zim was about to head to his lab, when the door fell from the harsh kick from an outsider. Making Zim startled but then quickly turn into anger. " What are you doing in Zim's house?!! " the alien shouted. As the PAK metal legs appeared, threatening the other. But the man in white lab coat didn't stop, not just he broke Zim's door. But he is not alone. And they all suddenly take the alien stuff and inspect them.

Zim then shot one of the human nearby and before he laugh at the sight of how the human screeching in pain. He got tackled from behind. The alien quickly struggles his way to escape. But as if they already know Zim's plan. They quickly pull the metal legs from the PAK with force and tear them up. Making the Irken shock. He was then get handcuffed.

"Gir!!! " Zim called in hope that Gir can help him get rid of the pest. Gir quickly run to the living room and then look around at the white coated group of human. " Is this our guest? " he happily grinned .

" What- Gir no!! Just help me get rid of this pest!! " Zim commanded. The robot saluted and said " okie dokie!! " before getting stabbed on the circuit point where Gir source of energy is located in. Everything is now black.

Zim can only see how Gir get stabbed in front of him as Gir eye light starting to flicker before falling to the floor. " What have you done?! " Zim angrily said.

" You're arrested for having illegal house, you don't pay tax, you steal electricity, property damage, and being an alien. You'll be taken to the Membrane lab for research purposes. " the man in white coat said. Before they all drag the angry alien to the car . And throw the lifeless robot on the trunk. " Is this the Dib-stink idea?! Zim gonna kill him!!! "

The drive to the membrane lab wasn't peaceful at all . Zim shouting and kicking everyone besides him and try to bite the others. It's hell.

They finally arrive to the membrane lab. Walking through the hall with many doors. Dragging the alien to a huge cell with a bed, pillow and a blanket. " what's this? " the Irken asked in disgust. At the pathetic looking room. " you will be staying here from now on. And wear this. And you clearly need this. " a women said before giving Zim a blue clearly oversized shirt. With a name tag with his name . And the lifeless Gir. Before shutting the door leaving Zim behind and alone on the room.

" Stupid human ruining Zim's PAK legs!! Don't worry Gir after Zim escape from this pathetic looking place . Zim gonna fix you and then burn this place down . " Zim said and Put Gir on the bed before taking of his uniform and wear the shirt.

" Zim wonder what else do they have here... " Zim said curiously after seeing many cell doors earlier. " But first. Zim have to get out of this room. " Zim said. But then he upset after remembering that his PAK legs and weapon got taken away. But an idea flash through Zim mind. As he take a few steps back before slamming himself to the door in high speed. But the door was still standing there while the alien fall down and hissing in pain with his swollen forehead.

" Could have sworn that it would work- what is this thing made of anyway?! " Zim shouted in anger. Before laying in the bed. ' At least the bed is comfy ' the alien thought.

This is the enemy territory so Zim didn't really focus on relaxing. He is cautious for hours now. Waiting for something to happen. He doesn't know what time it is right now. But he have a feeling that something big gonna happen. And right in time the door got swung open revealing a man in white coat and the others from earlier. Suddenly just grab his arm and drag him to a place that look like a doctor office.

Zim got strapped into a metal chair in a few minutes. The Irken is now panicked. What the human want from him, is still unclear to him. Especially with him getting strapped into a metal chair .

" beginning test research one. Someone hand me the knife . " " roger that. " the person said before handing the man a knife. " why do you need a knife? Hahah... is it food testing? " Zim nervously said. Hoping that it is. But faith is not on his side. A horrible scream was heard in the lab for almost half an hour before a hitched sob was heard. Making the other test subject shiver in fear.

A bloody scene is shown in the lab. Zim lost one of his arm.

That would help a lot if your vote or comment or share. 😂 I gonna change the book cover soon. Anyway thanks to amy3223, adbcdefg, galaxyalpha256, and SummerMorin for last time support.

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