4. ZIM 4.

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Warning : I didn't edit any of this. So there will be lots of grammatical error. I'll edit it later.

Chapter 4 : ZIM
Dib take Gir and put back the box to where it belong and walk out. He went to his office. And try to figure out what's wrong with Gir. He wear protective gear before opening Gir compartment. He still don't understand what's wrong with the robot. ' Or maybe there's energy that why Gir is not working. ' he thought. Dib examined the empty spot on the robot. It's a weird shape so he have to make a new battery for Gir. He also thought of upgrading Gir. Because as far as he know, Irken technology takes to many energy or electricity in the Earth. Their planet probably rich with electricity. But he can't just steal electricity from his country. Maybe making the robot able to be charged like a phone is a better idea.

After fixing the lifeless body. And charge the robot. The black eyes slowly turn into neon blue as the robot head move slowly looking up and blinking on the table. The robot smiled and squinted before jumping up. " Hello mary!! You look... different!! " the robot greeted in joy before giggled like a little kid. The raven haired man chuckled, " My name is Dib, Gir. " he corrected. Happy to see Zim's robot finally working.

Gir try to move around but fell and hit his head to the ground. He then look behind him to see that his body is attached to the wall by a cable. The robot try to pull the cable off but Dib stopped him and shaked his head no.

" Your life source is removed. And you need to be charge first, before you can walk around. You just get charged Gir. If you pull that out of your back, you'll immediatley fell asleep and can't wake up. " Dib explained so that the robot can understand him.

The robot mouth turn into a big O. Before sitting down on the edge of the desk and swinging both of his metallic legs forward and back repeatedly before glancing at the busy man. The tiny robot then hummed a song and look around the man's office. The robot smile turn into a frown when he can't spot his owner in the room.

" where is master? " the robot asked and tugged the scientist sleeves. Dib stop scribbling on his paper and look at the sad robot belong to certain alien. " Zim is ... resting. We'll see him soon after you're fully charged. " Dib said and continue to write his reports on Gir. The robot nodded and smiled again. Singing kids song before talking about his master.

" I wonder what master is doing right now? Is master still resting? Master should really rest. Master seems stressed out all of the time!! Don't even have time for pizza!! " the robot said and grabbed a blank paper and a pen near him and start doodling. Dib glance at the paper and saw three figure on Gir's paper. That look like him, Gir and Zim. " Master is lonely. Dib should visit master more often. Master is disappointed in the tallest lately. If I am master, I would rather buy pizza and roll in it than keep thinking about the stuff that hurt me. " Gir said in a frown before ripping the paper that he doodled the three figure. Making Dib knitted is eyebrows and stare at the tiny robot.

" Really? And why did you rip the paper? It's a shame, such a lovely drawing is ruined. " Dib asked and look at the tiny pieces of paper scattered on his desk. Gir smiled and giggled. " Aww, it's okay!! It's in the past anyway, won't it be better to just focus on the future? Stuck in the past is not a healthy habit to have. " the robot said making Dib frown.

" Since when you're so wise Gir? Did Zim upgrade you or something? " the scientist said while frowning at Gir change of character. Gir frowned. Gir's neon blue eyes blinked and turned red before turn into neon blue again. " maaaybe. " the robot said and giggled like a psycho.

Dib sweated and sighed before drinking his hot coffee. He probably imagining it. And decided to take a nap on the couch. " Don't go anywhere. " Dib warned the robot before laying on the couch and closed his eyes for a short nap.

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