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Thank you for waiting, my internship is done. And I already got my certificate. Now that problem is solved. I can continue to type this fanfic. Warning : There will be a lot of grammar errors, and a lot of spacing. I am typing this fanfic in a laptop and I have no idea have to set the spacing. :')

Chapter 7 : CONFESSION

[ A Few Weeks Later ]

Woken up from his deep slumber, the man rub his eyes and head to the bathroom to get ready for his work, a few weeks has passed in a blink of an eye. he is amazed of how much progress he have gotten. Not only he manage to make Zim get out of his own comfort zone but he also manage to make that alien prideful again. The young man aren't sure if it is a good or bad idea now that the short alien began to be smug. In all honesty, Zim is not broken. Despite the broken PAK, cables falling out here and there, and the glitching voice and eyes. Zim is a normal functioning alien in his personal opinion.  The thing that is broken is Zim life source processor due to the nasty incident few years ago, even with his genius brain. He still can't figuring out on have to fix Zim's PAK. The broken life source processor didn't weaken the Irken. It's the other way around,  if you ask the young scientist.

In his observation, the irken become more aware of his surrounding and more agile than before. He isn't sure if it's the side effect of the broken machine attached on the back of the alien bacl. Or is it because of trauma that the alien gained that ability. 

After dressing up for work, Dib went to the dining room to eat breakfast with his sister Gaz. Grabbing a bowl and a spoon before grabbing the milk from the fridge. Pouring some cereal in o his bowl before pouring the cold milk. Dib took a seat beside Gaz and began munching on his cereal. Gaz on the other hand stare at Dib oddly, making him rise one of his eyebrows at him. " Huh, you look much more better than usual. Do you have a date or something? " his pink haired sister asked bluntly. Making Dib almost choke on his cereal, and stare at his sister flabbergasted. " Gaz- No. And what's wrong with me looking good for work, anyway? " Dib grumbled with a frown. " It's just... not your style. " his sister said.

" Whatever... " Dib mumbled and keep eating his cereal.

Gaz rolled her eyes, when the door bell rang. Gaz stopped his brother from getting up and opening the door by herself. Hugging her blue haired girlfriend and lead her to the dining room. Dib spit out his cereal when he saw a familiar tall blue haired girl. " What are you doing here, tak?! " the man shouted. Before glancing at his sister in horror. " Gaz, get away from that evil alien! " Dib shouted at her. The blue haired girl stared at the raven haired man unamused before turning off her disguise, revealing a tall green irken dressed in a purple irken uniform. " I don't know if he is ready to know yet, Gaz... " The tall Irken said to the shorter female partner. 

" Nah... let him scream in horror. Dib this is my alien girlfriend Tak " Gaz announced to her older brother who gapped at them in horror. That is a better reaction than screaming in horror, in Gaz opinion. 

" If you try to hand me to the authority, I will kill you. " Tak threatened the young man, not caring about his position as her girlfriend's older brother. Metal legs quickly emerged from her Pak. Forming a spider like pose around the younger man. " I may have affection to your sister. But I don't have enough affection for you, for me to give you mercy. " The alien said before patting the pink haired girl head. The pink haired girl doesn't mind that her alien soul mate is warning her older brother. One of the reason she love her is because unlike others, Tak don't care about her status. Because she is an Irken. And she is very strong and cool. She can become an elite if it weren't for Zim to screw her trial. But Gaz must admit that she is glad that Tak failed her trial. If she didn't fail her trial. Gaz will never met the fierce alien.

" You are so cool. " Gaz said in a sickening sweet tone that make Dib grimance. The goth gamer girl rarely smile or say something with that sweet tone. So she must have fallen so hard for the other alien. " Okay the confession, is interesting and all... but I need to get to work. Like right now. " Dib said before rushing out of the house to avoid the weird pink bubbles around those two. After entering the building he didn't stop running and quickly rush to his office. Not bothering to reply when others is greeting him on the way there. Swipping the card on the scanner. The door slide open and quickly shut close when he entered the room. He hold the wall and gasp for a few minutes, he is out of breath. After he feels okay he adjust his glasses and posture. zim already stared at him in confusion while Gir is doodling on the papers. " What is wrong wit-t-t-h you Dib-stink. " the Irken said with a slight glitch in his voice. Making Dib thought of a robot or a beta artificial intelligent that is not fully developed. " Tak, she is back. And dating my sister! " Dib informed the shorter alien who began glitching.

" S-he-he is bac-ck?! " The shorter alien said in panic as his voice and pink eyes keep glitching like no tomorrow. Both of the human and alien laid on the couch, too stressed out of the new found information. " I know!! And she is dating Gaz. Do you think that Tak is brain washing or mind control Gaz into having a relationship with her? " the young man said in worry. " I-I-I d-d-don't know. " the shorter alien said and tried to calm down so that his voice not glitching too much. The alien still want the young man beside him to able understand his words.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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