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Warning : grammar error.

" I am not letting you stay a minute more in that cell Zim. " the ex paranormal investigator said and carried me like a sack of rice. My eyes twitched and glitched at that second. Words hard to came out of my mouth without sounding like a computer got virus and hacked. " Calm down, space boy. I am only bringing you to my office so you can rest on the couch. " the raven haired man said. Somehow manage to calm me down as he bring me and Gir to his office.

The Irken look around at the spacious office that belong to the ex paranormal investigator. It is ironic of how the man beside him who dreamed to be a paranormal investigator and hate science. So suddenly become a scientist. " That is how human is. So indecisive. Never commit on something. " the Irken mumbled and clenched his only non metal hand.

Zim walked to the couch and just sit there. Gir tailing behind him and try to climb the couch as the alien watched the robot movement. The man with glasses smirked and walk to his own desk and take a sit on his chair. " You can rest there Zim while I am working. " the raven haired ma  said before grabbing a pen and opem the old folder. The alien don't even bother to see what the man is doing and just lay there with Gir sitting on his chest singing a weird lyrics that the robot have made up.

' New information : the alien is now insecure and very violent, after a long isolation, and past trauma from last experiment. Have a terrible anger issue, and mood swing, do not piss him off. ' Dib wrote on a new paper, tapping the pen on the paper for a few time before deciding to add more information.

' Do not try to touch the wires nor the thing attached behind the alien back. The alien is very territorial species. Do not try to go near him without his permission. Do not touch his robot companion or GIR. GIR is there to make sure the alien emotions is stable. ' Dib added. To make sure no one is trying to make the space boy condition worsen. That might make the Irken, murder all the staff here.

' The alien is actually is very smart creature. ' Dib added on the bottom of the paper before attaching it to the folder. Dib closed the folder and stare at the couch to see a sleeping alien and the robot who is telling a made up story about pizza, ignoring the fact that the alien is no longer paying attention to the story. " Gir. Stay here and watch over Zim, okay? I have to go home now. " Dib said and chuckled when the rovot frowned.

" aww, you interrupted my story. Now I have to tell master the story all over again. Once upon a time there is this castle made of pizza.. " the robot said and explaining all over again of the story that is all about pizza.

Dib smiled. And pack his stuff up before walking out of the building and head to his home. His sister, Gaz is playing her phone on the couch. Gaz is not the heir and not the first born. So she is not required to shoulder the responsibility to inherit the membrane fortune and business. In conclusion, she is more free than Dib. And due to being the second child. Whatever career she want to pursue, their Dad will be supportive of her choice.

Now Gaz is a video content creator. Mostly about gaming. In the past, Dib always felt presurred because their Dad always wanted him to be like their father a scientist. And their Dad always call him crazy.

But now he felt that his jealousy is childish and foolish. Gaz never interested on anything other than video games. And between him and his sister, he is the only one who understand technology and science. So he is the only acceptable option to be the heir.

" How is your day at work? " the pink haired girl asked while lazily laying on the couch. " the usual. I meet Zim and Gir today. That is a progress right? He... look different now. Like very different. Broken even. " the man mumbled in sadness and guilt.

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