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Don't worry I won't discontinue this. I already plan the last chapter. This fanfic will only have 10 chapters. So enjoy.

Dib look at the wall and smirked before looking at Zim. " Well that's their problem. I am Dib Membrane. I am sure no one going to say anything to the boss's son. Come on, don't be such a coward space boy!! You are only going there to eat. It is not like you are going to murder people. " Dib chuckled before grabbing Zim hand and lead the alien and robot to the cafeteria.

The Dib-stink have offered Zim to eat at the cafeteria. He is an idiot. I would never be accepted no matter where ever I go. This is what Zim have concluded after stuck in this prison for years.

Zim existence is un important. This is what Zim have learned. If my existence is important and worthy. Shouldn't the tallest send some rescue team after Zim's long absent? Not only that I have failed my job as an Invader. I am a failure. The kind of bad example for Irken. To be able to be captured as a test subject is not only unheard of in Irk. But also a stain to the great Irken name.

Is Zim still could be called Irken? Zim is not sure anymore.

Zim have failed the tallest, Zim's home planet, and Pride as an Invader. I don't think that I even look like an Irken anymore. The fact that Zim have green skin that already paled to the shade that almost resembles gray. And two anttenas. My robotic hand, and dule pink eyes. Others will think that I am another alien race. If it weren't for the obvious PAK behind my back.

That is broken, with wires coming out of my PAK. Ever since the PAK is broken on that tragic day. Everything have gone wrong. Not only that Zim voice glitching every second. And only worsen when furious. Zim eyes also glitches sometimes. Sometimes, there is voices.

I even wonder how did Zim even get to the cafeteria. Oh, right. Dib-stink dragged Zim and Gir here. " Let me help you organize that. " the Dib saud before grabbing the wires and put them neatly on the bench, beside where I am sitting. The raven haired boy always make Zim so confused.

Zim believe that Dib is the only smart human in the Urth. The others is... dumb in Zim's opinion. After stuck in a cell for years. It will do you wonder. Changing you and your... prespective in life. I have been thinking a lot of my past actions. But mostly rage consume me. And hurting myself by punching the solid wall, is a daily activity for me. It is the only thing that could make me feel emotions while stuck in the cell with no interactions at all. The pain can tell me what is real and not.

There is one time where Zim try to stab Zim's arm with a fork. Leaving tiny holes on his arm. It is ugly but a reminder to Zim that I is still alive in this horrid planet that I loath so much. Reminding me that I am still stuck on this pathetic cell. That I will never go back to my home planet.

" Master!! Why don't you eat your waffles? Aren't those your favorite??? " the robot servant giggled while asking. I snap out from my thought and look at the cheerful robot stuffing their face with pizza. I smiled. This is so familiar. Reminding me of when we are still at the base. I would be working at the lab right now while Gir watch tv. " Zim, only like your waffle Gir. Th-his one taste-e different. " I said. Trying to not stutter. But failed. The PAK is unable to let me talk normally.

" I know!! " Gir said happily. I pick up my fork and start to eat the waffle on my plate. The cafeteria is very quiet. There is only a faint sound of chewing which is coming from the Dib. Who is eating a salad. I know that the others is staring at Zim.

Zim, broken PAK. Zim. And watching Zim's behavior like a tv show. Zim frowned. Curious of when will I go psycho and will cause chaos. Zim know that I am very muvh hated here for killing the culprit that broke my PAK. The only thing that kept me alive until now. The thing that I could not live without. Somehow trying to survive is a wrong act in this damned scientist's stupid brain. Foolish human whi thought that their action will have no side effects. Dumb. Idiot. Brain dead. Is all Zim could think of to insult the pathetic low life of the so called scientist that abused me in every way. Creating a mad monster, I called rage.

Clenching the fork on my hand. The anger just rose. If Zim would have known that I might end up on this planet to be a test subject. I would have never leave my own planet. Anything is better than this. " You okay, space boy? If you're uncomfortable we can always go back. " the nerd said while chuckling.

Making my frown deeper. Zim sighed and get up. " Okay. " I said before walking out of the cafeteria with both Gir and Dib. I went to the hall that lead to my cell but get stopped by the nerd instead.

" W-what? " I said. Slightly annoyed for some reason. My emotions is hard to be controlled lately.

" I am not letting you stay a minute more in that cell Zim. " the ex paranormal investigator said and carried me like a sack of rice. My eyes twitched and glitched at that second. Words hard to came out of my mouth without sounding like a computer got virus and hacked. " Calm down, space boy. I am only bringing you to my office so you can rest on the couch. " the raven haired man said. Somehow manage to calm me down as he bring me and Gir to his office.


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