2. DIB 2.

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Warning : Probably have a lot of grammatical error! To lazy to check-

Chapter 2 : DIB
" beginning test research one. Someone hand me the knife . " " roger that. " the person said before handing the man a knife. " why do you need a knife? Hahah... is it food testing? " Zim nervously said. Hoping that it is. But faith is not on his side. A horrible scream was heard in the lab for almost half an hour before a hitched sob was heard. Making the other test subject shiver in fear.

A bloody scene is shown in the lab. Zim lost one of his arm.

Everyone stayed at home now. Due to the destruction that Zim caused. Many facilities is destroyed, and SKOOL is being rebuilt. So now we have to start online school until the school is finished.

Faint sound of radio could be heard in the room. Zim existence as an alien invader is now annnounced to the world. And no one think that I am crazy now. And some even put faith in me. Now that I am known as Hero of the Earth. I shouldn't be teased by some dumb kids in the skool now. I thought while drinking tea with honey in it. Now that Earth is free from the space boy hands. And got contained in the membrane research lab. I shouldn't be worry about anything now.

I look around my room. It's filled with Zim photos, data, evidence and such. " I should get rid of that. " I mumbled. Now that Zim is stuck in the research lab as a lab rat. He wouldn't need this junk anymore.

I glance at the window. To see a bright sky, with birds chirping like the one in cliche fairy tale movie. A perfect sunny day, for a paranormal adventure. I quickly put on my coat and walk down to the kitchen and grab a toast . I don't have time for a fancy breakfast.

There's only me and Gaz here. Gaz as always playing her game while eating her cereal. The noise of her fingers tapping on the buttons is loud. Click clack click clack.An irritating noise in my opinion.

" morning Gaz. " I said. Not that I care if she answered me or not, as I chewed on my toast.  " So how ya feeling nerd? " she said. Making me surprised, she rarely answer me . She likes to groan, sigh , and said mean things rather than asking nicely . Maybe she is in good mood today. " fine, why do you ask? " I said before grabbing a cup of water and sip it.

Gaz then oddly stop playing her game console and put it down on the dining table. And open one of her eyes while staring at me up and down curiously.

" Huh, thought you're going to be all depressed. Meh, not my problem . " she said before sighing and continuing to finish her cereal.

I knitted my eyebrows together and frowned. " why should I get depressed today? " I asked curiously . Gaz is being weird right now. Since when she aware of my well being?

Gaz already finished her cereal and put the bowl and her spoon on the sink and wash it. " you are an idiot . " she mumbled.

" Hey, I am not an idiot. Don't compare my intelligent with the other kids standards. That basically idiots. I have more brain cell than any of them. " I complained.

After washing the dishes, Gaz standing in front of me with amused look on her face. " you're talking trash, Dib. If you haven't noticed yet. Your personality is like an old boring man that only know to work. Don't you wonder why you have no friends? "

" and why is this conversation related to me being all depressed and dumb? But for your information. I do have friends. " I said before folding my arms in front of my chest before leaning on the table . Even if Gaz closed both of her eyes, I know that she is rolling her eyes . Gaz sighed, and rub both of her eyebrows with her finger like she is stressed out. " name one person that is your friend. " Gaz demanded.

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