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Apparently my exam isn't over yet. But I already make annoucement. That I will be updating in 3rd december 2020. So yeah... sorry for the delay.

Jerald laughed amusedly when he saw Dib confused face. " Yeah when the alien was captured, Fred and his team is in charge in Project Z. But not anymore. Fred is dead and his team is retired after getting traumatized by the last horrifying incident. " Dib knitted his eyebrows together in confusion and frowned. There's so many plot hole in Project Z case.

" what do you mean by the last horrifying incident? " he asked.

You have been warned. I am not responsible for whatever emotions you'll be having because I have warned you all. Therefore it is not my fault. You can skip this scene and scroll to - AFTER THE SCENE - there will be a short summary of what happened but it is less dark. By the way, Amanda only have two scene so please endure it for now. I also don't like putting ocs in a fanfic. It's cringe- But we need Amanda so we know what happened to Zim.

Jerald gulped as he hesitantly look at Dib. " Well... uhh. " he started. Dib only look at that guy seriously. Wondering why is that guy so scared of project z incident. How bad is it? " It ain't pretty. That's one way to describe it. It's a terrible experience. I don't know much about the detail. I just got here for a few months barely half a year and I saw others running with blood stain on their coat and panic in their eyes as they drag Fred's dead body. Screaming for help. " He said before giving a small thick book to Dib. Dib stare at the book. It is a velvet book filled with many writtings and some scribble. ' Amanda Collins ' written on the front page. With a picture of a familiar women and man that is also in the folder of project Z.

" That is Amanda, Fred's ex fiance. That's her journal while walking along side with Fred during Project Z experiment. She like to write all of her experience there. But when Fred died. She fell into depression. And she want to left her book behind. Saying that the book remind her too much of the incident. No one really want to deal with the alien. So I guess this will help you know on what you will be dealing with. " Jerald explained. Dib smiled at him. " thank you. " Dib said before Jerald nodded and walk away. Dib then opening the folder that have been handed to him by Jerald. There's only a few short words without detail. That makes Dib glad that Amanda left the journal here instead of taking it with her. Or he will never know what is actually happened during Zim's stay here. The raven haired man then opened the old journal and read it.

Day 1
Our supervisor have handed us a special task. It's more important than anything else. Because we will be dealing with the unknown. An alien that is rumored to be a myth. A hoax. But it is here. To be analyzed and tested. We will be starting the prohect tomorrow.

Day 2
The alien is short, green skin with big red eyes. Holding the lifeless robot feared that it will be taken away from it. The alien is like to shout, very demanding, and fearless. A co-worker of mine grab his arm and drag him to the experiment room. The alien didn't expect any of this. Making him drop the lifeless robot on the floor. The alien then get strapped on a chair as the experiment began. Fred said that the alien probably have regenerative gene and their limbs will grow if get cut. But if the alien died. The project will end here. So the others told him just cut the hand and see if it will grow back. That what he did. The alien squirm, shout, and cried in pain. I know it is bad. But, I already involved in this.

Dib hands clutched on the journal. His face is red in anger when he read the journal. He then sighed in sadness and guilt. ' Zim lost a hand because of me. ' he thought.

Project Z [ ZADR ] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now