losing it all...

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A couple weeks passed, and all Alastor did was ignore me. I tried to explain, but he shut me out. Charlie opened back up to me, apologizing to me, and she did therapy for me to help me start redemption. Well... I wanted to get a start at a better life here. I wanted a job at the hotel, but none of them interested me. Now I know some of you guys don't understand why I slept with Vox... so I want to explain. I wanted to give my everything to my Smokey. My heart, body, spirit, and more, but my contract was in the way. When Val and Vox told Alastor I was out of my contract, they had said so thinking they'd win the battle, but my contract was never disposed of, so technically I still belonged to Val. Vox was willing to get rid of my contract if I slept with him. I thought this was an easy deal, the timing was bad because I was about to tell Alastor who I was, when I saw Vox from across the bar. I had to end everything so I could be with Alastor... but Alastor walked in on us later that night and... was infuriated. No matter how much I tried to explain he'd scream at me and accuse me of things. I loved him... goodness anyone could tell... espcially since I became his assistant! Now you all may be wondering how I landed the job....

Charlie got it for me....

Not my proudest moment, but still... I wanted to be close to Alastor any way I could. Now some of you may be wondering why I didn't tell him who I am... it's because I'm afraid of distorting his image of "Anthony". Back when I was alive... Alastor thought the world of me... and I'm to scared to show him how human I really am... I want to redeem myself... and then tell him. That way he can maybe look passed my faults. At the moment, I was running papers up to Alastor's room. Charlie asked me too. Alastor never liked me talking to much... so I always tried to just smile. I skipped to the door and knocked. He opened the door with a dashing smile, and I made sure to smile back. I handed him the papers, and he looked through them.

"Have a good day!" Alastor looked to me, and just nodded. I ran off and silently celebrated.

He nodded! He acknowledged I exist!!!

I thought happily... but was hit with sudden dread because I knew it'd take forever to gain back his trust. I lost Charlie's trust, and I lost Stolas... be heard the news and has slowly stopped talking to me... but I miss him so much. Cherri, Husk, and Vaggie were the only support I had at this point. Husk saw me and walked over. I hugged him and cried as he patted my back.

"It's ok... I know... you miss him." Husk knew out of all things... I'd never hurt Alastor on purpose. I lost two of the people I love in this world. I wanted Stolas to listen to me... I wanted him to understand. Husk patted my back, and I slowly felt calm again. I saw Stolas come through the doors, and I ran to him.

"You came back!" I hugged him tightly. I missed him so much. Stolas looked away awkwardly.

"Not for you." I saw Alastor on the stairs and immediately straightened up.

"Sorry..." He simply nodded when a girl ran in behind him.

"Stolas I'm ready for the meeting!" A girl with red hair and was straight from the 1930's.

"Alright Betty dear, lets go, we musn't make the Radio Demon wait." Alastor came downstairs greeting the two. They walked to his office.

"Make coffee for us please." He never referenced to me by name, and it always hurt, but I kept a smile on my face.

"Sure thing!" I got to making coffee and soon ran upstairs to make sure nothing got cold. I walked into to hear a business deal going on. I stayed silent like Alastor wanted and served coffee. I soon finished and got to typing notes for Alastor. The Betty girl kept starring at Alastor... and seeming to give him this look. It bugged the ever loving shit out of me. Soon her and Stolas left.

"Um... Alastor, I need to talk to you about som-" Alastor glared at me, making me scared to even speak. "I mean... I have your notes finished, let me print them for you." Alastor looked away as I printed the notes. I was so nervous as I stood and waited on the printer. I looked over,and refilled Alastor's coffee. He gave me a small smile.

"Thank you, dear." I blushed with a nod as I smiled. It was nice to keep that smile in my life.

"You're welcome sweetie." I got the notes to Alastor, he thanked me again.

"I need you to do some work for me. I nodded as he handed me a stack of paperwork. It was a lot.

"I got it hun!" Alastor smiled evily and left.


I went to find Angel and found him asleep at a desk of paperwork. I realised it was Alastor's. He did this lately to Angel. He'd give Angel large workloads just to watch him crash and burn. I sighed and began working on the work assigned to Alastor. It was quite a bit. I aas already swamped and helped get a tired Angel upstairs. He laid in bed physically exhausted. I sighed. Alastor did this to him because of what happened. I wish I had never seen it at all. Angel was kind. I didn't think he was capable of doing something so damn vile. I looked to him as I tucked him in.

"Don't worry Angel, things will lighten up soon. I promise, they have to." I smiled and let the dear rest.

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