🖤wrapped around his finger...🖤

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I woke up to knocking at my door. I checked the time to see... it was almost noon! I got up and dressed then rushed to my door. I saw Alastor looking to me sternly.

"You're awake late. I haven't had my morning coffee." I immediately felt the dread hit my stomach. 

"I am so sorry. I worked so hard yesterday on your paperwork that I just crashed. I'll get your coffee now." Alastor rolled his eyes as I ran downstairs to the kitchen, making him a cup of coffee. I was rushing that coffee maker as fast as I could. I was scared that Alastor was going to be upset with me, and the last thing I wanted was that. The coffee brewed rather slowly, so I just sighed and sat in the kitchen for a moment. I stood for a moment and caught my reflection in the coffee pot. Damn, I looked like an entire mess. I hadn't had enough time to thoroughly get ready. Soon Alastor's coffee brewed so I walked over and handed it to him. After a few sips he seemed to be in a chipper mood. 

"Hey Alastor, I need to get ready for the day, do you mind?" He looked me up and down, making me feel embarressed.

"You look fine, you'll be doing desk work all day anyway." I was shocked by this statement because well... I wanted to look at least presentable. It wasn't fair of him to decide what I would do today, but I didn't want to upset him.

"With all due respect, I need to get ready for the day in case a patron comes in-" Alastor rolled his eyes at me and shooed me off. For once, those red eyes of rubies pissed me off. He didn't care about how I felt, at all. "Listen! You don't need me at your side every fifteen minutes! Do your own damn work! I do nothing but slave away for you! Fanculo voi pezzo di merda!" Alastor looked to me sternly and stood up. He didn't scare me at all.

"Stop being annoying, you're nothing more than a broken ragdoll so get to work." He walked off... and those words hit me. For a moment... I felt worthless and empty. That's what he called me last time. I started crying, and just went to my room... working through my tears. That's all I could do. I had to work to makeup for what I had done. I got mad at him for no reason. Self care has to wait when it comes to Alastor. I have to gain back his trust before I can ever even look at myself as a person again. Husker passed by my room as I sobbed and looked shocked. I wiped my tears immediately and waved. I tried to not alarm anyone. I needed them to believe I was ok. He walked over and sighed.

"Go take care of yourself. I know how to do these reports, Alastor won't suspect a thing." I was shocked for a moment and nodded to go take care of my body and get dressed. I did feel disgusting...


I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Angel. He hated working for Alastor, we both knew that, but he refused to stop being apart of Alastor's life. I sat doing Angel's work as best as I could. Now he may seem dramatic... but Alastor drops all his work on Angel. I mean it was brutal. Normally Alastor pulls his own weight, but when he's depressed or even angry, he has no motivation to do anything. Hell, I'm sure he is enjoying watching Angel suffer. I saw Angel come out of his bathroom  seeming to be more chipper and alive.

"Thanks for helping me out Husker!" I nodded and watched Angel get back to work. I noticed his keyboard was pink, but styled as a type writer. I sat in a chair next to Angel's room, he seemed to not mind, and even put on some music. I recognized the song as Minnie the Moocher. I sat and smoked. Angel always smoked in here when he was stressed. Now some of you all may be wondering why I didn't tell Alastor who Angel was.... I want to protect both of them. Vaggie and I agreed that it wasn't our information to share. Was I suprised when I found out? I looked to Angel for a moment as he typed, he seemed to be happy as hell. I sighed. No... I wasn't suprised. Angel was identical to Anthony in every way. I remember when Alastor had me guarding him with my damn life when Anthony was at the bar with Mimzy and I. Alastor walked in to see Angel and I together. Now, I didn't scare Alastor since my soul belonged to him, but he knew if he did anything to Angel, I'd report to Charlie immediately. Vaggie and I made it blatantly obvious to Alastor we were not letting him hurt Angel. I watched Angel grab a stack of papers from beside his printer and handed it to Alastor. 

"Here ya go! This should be just about everything." Alastor took it and nodded. 

"Have a nice day Angel." Alastor left with a smile, and I noticed Angel blush, seeming to be really happy about the moment. Even if Alastor seemed to pretend to care, Angel was in love with him, and was willing to do anything to be by Alastor's side. I sighed. This was just the issue. Angel was blind to Alastor's treatment of him. 

What do I think they should do? I think Angel should tell Alastor who he is and explain things. I think Alastor needed to for once actually listen to someone and stop being hardheaded. Angel sat down and got back to work on some other reports happily, nothing other than Cab Calloway and the clicking of typewriter keys in the backgroud as I smoked.

💔🖤Radio Fever🖤💔 (MAS Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now