❥🩸🗡️be kind... NOT TO BETTY🗡️🩸❥

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I sat in the kitchen, first day on the job, and I was getting orders together with a couple other demons who Charlie hired. Through the window as I cooked, I could see Betty and Alastor getting along just swimmingly! She kept hugging him, even if he was uncomfortable. I stabbed a knife into my cutting board in pure frustration, none of my workers questioned me, ever. It was nice to be in control for once. I sighed as I saw Charlie glare at me from the door way.

"I told you I do this alot!" She hated that I stabbed the cutting boards, at least I wasn't cutting a girls head off! The stupid bitch kept talking and hugging Alastor, until Horus came in and separated them. I smirked and got back to work. Horus and I made eye contact, I simply just smiled, and for once he just nodded to me. He appreciated that I put Alastor's well being above all else. Though, to bad he was a damn threat to me being with Alastor! I bet we coulda been friends too. I put the veggies I was chopping in a pot, the boys had things under control so I left and walked over to Alastor.

"Hey, I'm ready to help with anything. Betty take your long break." She glared at me as I smiled devilishly. Pretty much I had Charlie only hire an elite team of demons I knew so that I could leave the kitchen, any time without issue. I didn't want to deal with Betty having Alastor all to herself. I wanted most of my time to be with Alastor. He smiled to me and he walked off. Horus looked to me as we both walked to the bar.

"So, why did you stop cooking?" I looked to him, and he seemed genuinely curious. I sat and got a drink, and so did Horus.

"Well, I saw that Al wasn't comfortable. If that bitch knew anything about him, she'd know he doesn't like being touched." I took a quick shot and got up, pulling off my apron, uncovering a pencil skirt and blouse. "Plus, she was getting a lil' to close for comfort. We wouldn't want issues." I got up with papers, and heard Alastor called for me. 

"Coming!" I then ran off.


I wasn't a very big fan of Angel, hell I only knew him from what I saw on the billboards, but I had to be honest, his determination was commendable. I watched as he did everything Alastor said. For a couple hours he was running between the kitchen and Alastor, but he managed it all. Angel would stop by for a drink once in a while, but he never was late to an assignment. Though I noticed on a run, Angel wasn't running, and I saw Betty with items in her hands and scurrying off. Now I know Angel would not let Betty close to Alastor unless absolutely necessary. I went the opposite direction of Betty, to hear pounding on a door. I opened it to see Angel huffing and puffing.

"She has my assignments!" Angel bolted, and ran damn fast. I followed after him, to see him watch Betty give Alastor the items. Angel looked angry, his hot pink eyes turned light pink. I watched as Alastor thanked the girl with a smile, and he closed the door. That was the last assignment of the day, and that would have been another perfect day for Angel. That must have been why he was angry, he was nothing short of perfect. Betty walked over with a toothy smile. We all walked back to the stairs, but I realized I dropped something behind me. I turned away, and heard a scream. I ran over to see Betty had fallen down the large staircase, and Angel missing from the scene. I walked away quietly, not wanting to be involved. I saw Angel on the other side of the hall, walking towards the balcony. I followed him, and listened as he sat outside.

"Damnit! That bitch getting in my way! I should rip her intestines out and strangle her with them!" He threw a vase off the balcony and seemed more than just enraged. Angel always showed himself as calm and poised, but like anyone else, he can't keep up the act forever. "I just want to be good enough... that's all..." I watched him fall to his knees and cry. "I need a damn break..." I watched Angel leave as I hid, and he went downstairs. I followed close behind and saw him go to a closet under the stairs, no one used it or had the key for it. I watched Angel pull out a necklace from his chest and open the door swiftly. He went inside and I heard the lock click shut. I heard a song play... and I recognized it as Alastor's favorite artists, Cab Calloway. I listened silently as Angel hummed. He seemed to sound lost in thought. I felt for once... a bit bad for him. Not that I pitied cheaters, but I know what it's like to lose someone to your own stupid decisions. I went upstairs to see Alastor disheveled in a black dress shirt and black slacks. He was holding a locket, and seemed to be rather lost in thought. He had a cigar in an ash tray, and a drink in his other hand. His hair was in a a pony tail, but he seemed rather lost with tear stained cheeks.

 His hair was in a a pony tail, but he seemed rather lost with tear stained cheeks

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I noticed the locket had a picture of someone blonde in it.

"Who's that?" Alastor looked from the picture to me, and put his drink down. He sat up a bit.

"Now this is my Minnie... he meant the world to me..." I listened intently because even though he's told me the story a billion times, it always made him feel close to his lover... even if he couldn't find him. "It was a rather boring night... until I heard someone screaming in Italian... there he was, my Minnie trying to fight a man off, so I stabbed the other man, and walk to the bar together. He and I danced the night away to Cab's music." Alastor always rambled about how gorgeous Anthony was, and I'd always would have liked to meet the one person who could make this man smile. They had to be anyone better than Betty! "He was so radiant on the dance floor... always so sassy and fun... He always knew how to make me smile." Alastor continued rambling as he held the locket. "I want to see him again... yet no one can find him." I looked up to him and saw the sorrow in his eyes. "He really is in heaven... and heaven has no place for me..." He shooed me out, and I heard him cry for once. Alastor never cried, but I could tell he felt alone.

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