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I walked the halls of the Hazbin Hotel quietly. I was in a fowl mood as always. I am always plagued with the thoughts of Angel and Vox in my head. Him working so closely to me made it worse. I was angry with him, and rightly so. He constantly smiled to me with nothing but kindness, but I still felt malice toward him. I gave him my love, and trust, but he still didn't want to be by my side. It hurt me horribly to see him with Vox... right after I was ready to give him everything. I was ready to give up on my perfect Anthony. At the moment I had some people looking all through Hell for Anthony. I didn't have my eyes on anyone else on anyone on Anthony. Angel showed me his true colors... and he was nothing like my dear Anthony. I saw Charlie rush toward me happily.

"Alastor! I'm opening up some new job opportunities! I need you to put these around the Hazbin Hotel!" She handed me brightly colored flyers, advertising a job as a chef in the Hotel. I began putting the flyers around. I mostly walked these halls alone now because everyone except Charlie, was completely fine with Angel's actions, and were cross with me for not listening to him.  I was infuriated to say the least. I hated him... but the memories I had with him were still relevant in my mind. In all honesty, I missed a good friend of mines who would actually understand my feelings, even better than Husker, thankfully the man would be coming soon after his assignment. I kept putting the fliers up, and soon finished when I noticed Miss Bones skip through the door with Stolas. Betty was a lovely friend, she would listen to me rant and be upset, and I appreciated that dearly. She was genuinely a lovely person. She came in and waved to me.

"Alastor! I baked you some cookies!" I looked down to see a tray of frosted cookies. I was never one for sweets, and I'll be damned if I start now.

"Sorry dear, I don't like sweets." The girl gave me the same sad puppy eyes Charlie tried to make me fall for, but as always women have never had that effect on me. I walked off and saw Angel run downstairs at my side.

"Boss I got your coffee! You left it upstairs so I heated it up, also I got your reports done and sent it to Charlie!" Angel always had this smile on his face, and it sort of felt... patronizing. I nodded and strained a smile. Angel ran off to do more work, when someone came trough the lobby doors. In walked in my dearest friend, the greyish brown fedora along with the yellow trench coat, revealed my one friend, Horus.

(Disclaimer: Horus does not belong to me! I was given permission by  to use their character! Please check out their book about this amazing character! 

Horus walked in, passing Betty, and smiled to me. He was pale in skin tone, thanks to his illusions. The raven haired male scanned the room with brown eyes, seeming to be curious of the surroundings. The shorter male smiled to me, tipping his hat politely.

"Hey Boss, the job's been done." I nodded, and we walked over to the bar. Husker and Horus both bonded for a moment. The two hadn't seen one another since Horus was sent off on his assignment. Horus was an assassin, and I hired him for that purpose. Some people got in my way, and well he managed to clean up the mess in a less gruesome manner than myself. Honestly he was quite the handy fellow to keep around. I sat and laughed with him and Husker. It was nice to escape my thoughts for the moment, when once Husker left, Horus asked a question.

"Hey Boss, where is this lover boy you told me about?" I felt my heart clench at his words. I quietly asked to speak privately in my office.

"Angel and I are no longer seeing one another." Horus looked to me shocked and confused. He knew I previously thought the world of Angel, but I had no idea how to tell him what happened over the phone. I decided to wait till I could actually speak to him. "Angel slept with my... enemy on our first date night. I walked in on it." Horus immediately seemed angry.

"That jerk! I should kill him..." I shook my head solemnly and just drank my coffee. "Do you still... have feelings for him?" I looked into my cup and had to come to terms, that I couldn't separate Angel and Anthony in my mind. There were so few differences... but Anthony never cheated on me. Seeing Angel in that dress... was the nail on the coffin for me.

"Yes, I do still harbor feelings for him." Horus sighed. He knew how similar him and Anthony were. We went downstairs and chatted for a while, when Angel popped around the corner with items to give me. Mostly work he had finished. Horus was very quiet, but Angel tried to be polite and introduce himself.

"Hi! I'm Angel Dust, Alastor's assistant!" Angel put his hand out for Horus to shake, but Horus simply tipped his hat to Angel.

"Names Horus, I'm Alastor's assassin." Angel seemed a bit thrown off by that, but maintained a smile.

"Well welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, enjoy your stay here." Horus nodded, and Angel looked over to me.

"Do you need anything else, Alastor?" I decided to do the one thing that would obviously bug Angel.

"No. I don't need anything." Angel seemed put off by the notion and nodded.

"Ya sure? I have nothing to do. I swear." I chuckled lowly, seeming to catch Angel's attention.

"Listen, I have nothing for you to do, useless ragdoll." Angel seemed hurt by the words, but still smiled and nodded.

"Have a good day guys." Angel ran off, and hadn't even gotten to the stairs before he began to cry. I never wanted this. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to love him, but he betrayed me. Horus put a hand on my shoulder and smiled, but nothing could calm the loneliness the shadows and I felt. Nothing could silence our cries for Anthony to fulfill us, but my shadow was the only one still calling out to Angel.

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