A big ass announcement

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Alright I'm going to say this ONCE and ONCE only. Horus is not my character. He belongs to a dear friend of mines. Horus is not a bad person for defending Alastor. ANGEL IS NOT THE ONLY VICTIM IN THIS SITUATION! Both Angel and Alastor are victims of Vox's decision.

Please stop saying you want to "kill Horus". He is doing the right thing as a friend. No one else has stood by Alastor's side through this whole situation, so he needed a friend there. Stop being assholes in my comments. I am not gonna call anyone out, but please stop. It makes me uncomfortable af. If this was one of the villains I made, sure, go the hell off, but this is not one of my characters. I expect them to be respected.

Thank you

The Author

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