💔love never dies...💔

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I had gotten my cooks onto doing breakfast, and had prepared Alastor's myself. I went upstairs with the tray, to see the door open. I felt panic in me, so I set down the tray on a nearby table. I pulled a pistol from my boot, and walked carefully. I looked into the room and pointed my gun, just to see Alastor passed out in a black dress shirt and black pants. I saw some alcohol bottles on the ground. I sighed and put the gun away. I walked over, and picked up any trash. I picked Alastor up, and laid him in bed safely. I noticed a necklace fall from his hand. I picked it up... and saw the locket I gave to him over 70 years ago. I smiled a bit and put it on his nightstand. I gently woke him up and brought in his food. He seemed a bit hung over, so I stood by his side. We all ate breakfast. Charlie had decided we all play a game. We all put our names in a hat, and whoever she pulls has to tell a funny or embarrassing story about that person. Alastor agreed to play, so we all sat down. First one up was Charlie talking about a story with Vaggie. She talked about when she was backstage with Vaggie and them discussing what she was going to say on TV with Katie Killjoy. I laughed with them. Soon Husker told some stories of Horus, and many more. Alastor told some stories about him and Charlie. Then it got to me, and of course I pulled Alastor's name. I looked up and sighed. I knew exactly what story I wanted to tell.

"So this story kinda is from a couple months ago sooo..."

* * *

It was a couple weeks after Alastor and I fought(I didn't tell everyone that, but just to give a frame of reference). I was coming out of a bar after doing a drag race. I was still dressed  all cute and excited from having a good night with my sister. I was on my way to Mimzy's bar, when I saw the gal on stage. I waved to her sweetly and ordered a drink, when I saw Alastor in the corner, talking to some guy. The man had started feeling him up, so I swiftly walked over.

 The man had started feeling him up, so I swiftly walked over

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(Angel's outfit, and hair cut)

"Heya! Thank so much for keeping my date company!" The man looked confused as a walked between them, and became fearful when my lower six eyes open. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt, right?"  The man scurried away, leaving me with Alastor leaning on me. "Al! Are you ok?" He was a bit out of it, but was really comfortable in my boa. I laughed a bit because he was really cute. I then noticed his drink looked wierd. "Al! You were drugged! How in the ever loving hell  did you not notice?!" He just giggled incoherently. I sighed.

"This material is so soft." To get Alastor walking, I let him wear my boa, as I picked him up and walked us out. I walked to a motel that I lived at most days. I had a friend who gave me a permanent room when I'm out of the hotel. Alastor was comfortable, but I was getting damn tired. Alastor was buried into my chest fluff. "This is much softer!" I blushed red because he was super cute! As always I was in love with him. Those feelings never faded. I got inside and sat Alastor on the bed, and he kept trying to snuggle with me. I eventually held him at his shoulders.

"Al! I can't do this. A-After everything I don't want... you to wake up from this and be upset with me." Alastor looked up to me sad... with those super cute red eyes. 

"Angel can I please snuggle with you?..." I sighed. I didn't want to deal with him angry at me in the morning. He had already started ignoring me.

"Well... fine, but you have to follow my rules, understood?" Alastor looked up to me with a dorky smile and nodded. "Alright, jacket and shoes off so you can rest." Alastor did as I told him that. "Lay down and get comfortable." I myself took off my dress, but had shorts and tights on underneath so I wasn't to worried about it. I laid down with him. "Alright, you can pet me with one hand! I don't need you mad at me in the morning." Alastor nodded, and proceeded to pet my chest fluff. I blushed bright red, because well it did feel nice. I calmed myself down, just breathing to relax. "Y'know I never would have pegged you for the touchy feely type." That was a down right lie, I knew Alastor loved hugging onto me in the living life.

"I'm normally not... but since I died... whenever I am near people... I get ner..." Alastor's voice had trailed off. I tried to think of what he might have meant by that last part.

"Ner... Nervous? I get that. It can be hard warming up to people, and losing the only person you ever let touch you... now that is hard. I get why your nervous, it's the same reason I don't let anyone near me..." I had turned over to see the deer asleep. I smiled and removed his hand from my chest. "the only person I allow near me... is you." I pushed back some of his hair, and let him rest.


I had only told everyone the part about Alastor getting drugged. Everyone had a good laugh out of it, even Alastor. He barely remembered the night thankfully. We all laughed as Alastor told a story about me, how he had startled me so bad in the middle of the night! He was sleeping standing up, it was terrifying! I blushed because he mentioned how I fainted out of fear.

"Hey! You were the one creepin' in the dark!" I retorted. Alastor laughed.

"Oh please Angel, you're just faint hearted!" I laughed with him for once, and honestly... I wish we could do this again.


As everyone dispersed... I sat down by myself and flushed red. I remembered that night... vividly. 

"The only person I let near me... is you." 

The words plagued my mind as I felt feelings fester in my heart, and a sob nearly left me before I teleported to my room. I began to sob... because Anthony had always told me the same thing.

"Alastor! You're the only one for me!"

"I don't want any other man than you!"

"You're my Smokey! You're the only one for me!"

"I only want to live life with you."

"Alastor... share with me... one love, one life time... you're the only one who can save me from my solitude."

I cried helplessly, wishing things we much different. I wish I hadn't run out that night to kill. I wished I hadn't listened to all the things Betty filled my head with. I wish I could take it all back.

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