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I soon recovered from the rage I went through yesterday and got right to making everyone breakfast. I made everyone their favorite dish, and got the dinning room set up. I didn't know Horus' favorite yet, so I simply made him the same as Alastor's, basic eggs and toast with black coffee. I went upstairs, waking everyone quietly. Charlie and Vaggie woke up easily, Husker always just gave me a groggy "thanks", and Nifty was up before I got to her room. I walked to Horus' room before Alastor's and knocked gently. 

"Horus! It's time to wake up!" The door opened to the dark haired male looking to me groggily. "Charlie has us all eat breakfast together, so she asks we all are awake together." Horus rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'll be down in a moment." He closed the door on me, and I nodded, going back to Alastor's room. I always woke him up last. I went downstairs, grabbing Alastor's food. He liked to work and eat, so I always brought his breakfast to him. I came upstairs quietly, and was stopped by Horus.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I sighed. Of course he had no clue how Alastor spent his mornings. 

"I'm bringing Alastor's food to him. He doesn't like eating with everyone, so he has asked me to bring it to him." Horus growled a bit... and it startled me that I fell backwards, dropping everything. The crash caused Alastor to wake up, and I immediately went to the door. "Sorry Al, I'll have your food up soon, get some rest." Alastor nodded groggily and went back to bed. I let out a relieved breathe. "Do you have any idea how cranky Alastor is without coffee?!" I was cross with Horus, but put my focus to cleaning everything up. I worked quickly to clean, and ran downstairs. I brewed  coffee quickly, then went to the microwave, heating up the plate I made for myself, and ran upstairs with it. I was ok not eating as long as it meant Alastor wasn't in a bad mood this early. I got to his door, and opened it quietly with the key card he gave me. I walked in, and set the food down on his desk. I walked to his bed, and saw he was tossing and turning a bit, seeming scared.

"No... No, Anthony!" He shot out of bed nervous. I went to his side worried. He breathed heavily, and eventually calmed  down. "Angel, hello, sorry about that." I simply smiled to him. "I just... feel a bit off." I handed Alastor's coffee to him, and he smiled to me. "Thank you, dear." I felt my cheeks flush and I nodded.

"Well I best get started on your paper work. Enjoy your breakfast." Alastor nodded as I left. I felt my heart spark on fire. I ran downstairs happily. I ate a quick bowl of cereal and immediately got to work on Alastor's paperwork. Eventually Al came downstairs in a good mood, as he waited in the lobby for someone. I was a bit confused, when I saw Betty run in with Stolas.


"Betty!" The two hugged right in front of me... as I kept typing like nothing happened. "Dear I can't wait for you to start working at this hotel and making meals for us! Let's hope Charlie lets you work here." I realized what job they were talking about. The chef job. I wanted it, but I didn't want to lose my job as Alastor's assistant. I wanted to stay close to him... but this girl working here... could get in my way. I silently left to a closet on the 3rd floor. I sat inside. The room was decorated with LED white lights, and covered in white roses. There was a desk with a type writer on it, where I wrote love letters to Smokey. There were all sorts of Cab Calloway records, and there were boxes full of love letters to my Smokey. I proceeded to put a Cab Calloway record on the turn table, and sit on a mini white couch, listening to the music. It reminded me of nights I spent in Alastor's living room, dancing the night away. I heard that bitch get close and swoon over Alastor... and realized I needed to get that job. I cut  the music, and ran out towards Charlie.

"Charlie, I wanna ask ya something!" She looked to me and nodded.

*Timeskip - brought to you by Deer Daddy*

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