💌have courage💌

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((A/N: Heya everyone. A scene in this chapter was inspired by @MadWillmarkiv . They helped with one of the primary scenes nearing the end of this book. Also, this chapter is heavily inspired by the live action Cinderella, I adore the movie and couldn't help but be thrilled and include some of it into my book. Also, Ace is back! Been a lil' while for him. I actually never explained the origin of his name! Ace was named after the Ace in a playing card deck! I practice cartomancy, and I named him after the Ace of Spades that has the meaning of Death! I hope you enjoy that little fact!))

*Ace - Alastor's shadow*

Sometimes I thought my Master was hard headed. It was obvious Angel was Anthony, anyone could tell that! I always followed the dear around, and I sped after him, after Horus came in. Angel was in his room, crying his heart out. I hadn't seen him like this... since the night he betrayed us. The other shadows seemed to have immediately stopped adoring Angel, and began believing that Anthony was actually out there. Angel sobbed in his bed. 

"I don't know what to do! I just want to fix everything!" Angel sobbed in pure agony. I  materialized and hugged Angel. Angel turned to me.

"Al- oh h-hey Ace. What are you doing here? You should be protecting Alastor, that was the one thing I begged you to do." I smiled and sighed. He still cared about my Master, no matter what happened between them.

"I just wanted to check on you. I'm sorry he's been treating you like this." Angel smiled to me and hugged me close.

"You just give me a little bit of hope." I held him close, hoping to be of any comfort to him. I didn't want anything to happen to him. I heard my Master calling to me. I sighed.

"I best get going." Angel put a hand to my cheek.

"You're always welcome to visit me, but make sure Alastor is safe above all else." I was so angry... how could anyone not see how much courage he had to win my Master's heart again? I nodded and made that promise to him, and slowly slipped away back to the other miserable shadows.


I got up and cleaned myself up. I realized there was still plenty to be done. With a new guest around, and Nifty out busy, a room would need to be made for Horus to rest. I got an unused key downstairs and went upstairs to the room. In all honesty... the room was filthy, perfect! I ran downstairs and got as much cleaning supplies as I could to clean the room. It was pretty intimidating, but I kept my phone on in case Alastor would call me. I got around to cleaning swiftly. I kept on running around cleaning, when I saw Horus come upstairs alone. I waved to him, and he seemed confused.

"The hell are you doing?" I got to dusting somethings and tidying up the room.

"Just getting a room together for you. We don't need Nifty coming back to a mess!" Horus watched me for a while cleaning, and that didn't bother me. Anything to keep him away from Alastor. I didn't exactly love the guy being all buddy buddy with Alastor, but I can keep my cool. I ran out grabbing the new linens and curtains, and began putting them up. I swept, mopped, and worked quickly until the whole room was spotless. I soon finished and handed him the keys. "Hope you enjoy the room! If ya need anything, let me know!" I tried to keep a bright smile on my face.

"Shut it, what are you playing at?" I was thrown off by the question, but decided I should probably be honest with the guy.

"I'm trying to fix things between Alastor and I." I felt a genuine small smile come to my face. "No matter what it takes, I want to make him smile again." There was a moment of silence, and soon Horus broke out laughing. I was confused and a bit upset.

"You think being nice, will get him back to you?" I felt my face heat up red with anger. What did he know?!

"Having courage and being kind are the only way to fix anything." He continued laughing in my face, making me feel... not good.

"What? You want to torture him more after you slept with his enemy? What, gonna sleep with more people after that?" My face grew hot with rage and sadness. I was pissed, he knew nothing about us! I fucked up, but no one deserved to judge me but Alastor! He was the only one who had any right to be pissed at me!

"I did not have a choice!" He looked to me angrily, lil shit was shorter than me, so I was barely intimidated.

"Everyone has a choice." I was silent... he was sorta right, but I had no choice! Vox was going to ruin everything if I didn't! I didn't want to work for Val. The tears escaped my eyes. He smirked evilly to me.

"That's what I thought." Horus began to walk off, and I chucked a wet sponge at his head. He immediately turned to me, clearly upset. He knew he couldn't touch me, hell I had the princess of Hell on my side.

"I will not let you tell me if it is or isn't possible. I still love him, and a shithead like you isn't going to convince me othewise!" I walked off to my room pissed off as hell, and immediately closed the door behind me, sinking to the ground. I began crying, and for once I didn't hold back. I wished Ace was here for once. Alastor wouldn't hold me, but he would. Damnit, I remember the day I met Alastor. The way he just...stabbed the guy and saved my life like a knight in shining armor. His smile was the only thing that kept me alive.

He was everything. Nothing else mattered but him. He was the love of my life. I hated that he thought Anthony was perfect... because I wasn't. In my living life I slept around before Alastor. After falling for him, I stayed loyal as I fucking could, but now look at me? A washed up skank with no purpose in life. Everything had been taken from me. Everything was stripped of me. Yet I felt my heart in my chest... yearning for Alastor to console the aching. I took in a shakey breathe.

"Have courage Angel... and be kind." That was all I knew how to do. That was all I really could do... because I never wanted to hurt my Smokey ever again.

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