💔in the name of friendship💔

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No one knew what I was going through... my wife and I had split up on good terms, and it was good for my daughter to know we were finally resolving things. She preferred living with me... but when Betty walked into my life I had to send her to my wife. Betty... wanted me to get her close to Alastor. She threatened to harm my daughter if I didn't comply. She worked with Val and Vox, that's why I was concerned. I couldn't risk my sweet daughter being harmed, she was everything to me. Betty also threatened to out Blitzo and I. Blitzo wasn't ready for things to be out in the open, so I did anything Betty said to protect those two people. Val's social out reach was insane, and I really did care for Blitzo. I walked into the hotel with Betty and saw her talking to someone I knew. He was... someone who had less than good intentions for anyone but himself and his sister. Richard Bones. Betty and him were fraternal twins. Betty walked over and smiled to me.

"Get Angel to go on a date with Richard so Alastor still thinks he's a skank." The girl spoke in a chipper voice with nothing but venom in her voice. 

"I-I can't do that... please." She sighed and made a fake pout as I spoke. She then smiled with those sharp fangs in that putrid face.

"How about you do it, or that precious daughter and boyfriend of yours are dead?" I looked to Richard and saw nothing but malice in his own smile. I nodded and walked over to Angel as he did work in the lobby. He looked up and smiled to me sweetly.

"What do you need Stolly?" I sighed and explained my predicament... and Angel's smile faded. "But I-I've made so much progress... and... you left me! Why should I help you?!" I looked to Angel with fear in my eyes.

"Angel I did it to protect you and the people I love." Angel looked to Alastor for a moment and I saw the tears in his eyes as he began to cry. 

"Please promise me... that I am helping you and your kid. You have to promise me we're best friends again because I wouldn't put anything above my Smokey, and you know that." I knew I was asking for so much. I was asking Angel to throw everything away... for me. "Please Stolas... you know how long I've waited for him... don't make me do this." I knew Angel would only do it if my daughter was in danger... he was like an uncle to her. "Damn you. Damn you for using me." The words stung, but I deserved it. I was a horrible friend, but I loved my daughter and Blitzo. Angel cleaned himself up and got up. "Tell the kid I love her..." I nodded and heard him walk away, and leave. I felt sobs rack my body as I sat there in my own self pity. I hurt my best friend... for my own gain.

*Timeskip - Stolas*

I watched as Angel and Alastor walked in arguing. It was a blur for me, but I heard Angel beg and cry with him for a while.

"You're damn fired! I don't want you near me!" Angel looked to him in pure disbelief. Angel ran away crying. I walked to Alastor calmly.

"He didn't want  to do it. H-He did it for me. To save my dau-" Alastor growled to me angrily.

"Shut the hell up! All of you! All you do is defend him! All of you never see my pain!" He stormed off, when a raven haired demon in a trench coat approached me. He waved to me politely. I began from the very beginning from everything with Vox and Val, all the way to current time. The mans eyes were wide and he thanked me. I went upstairs to Angel and saw him sobbing.

"I never meant to come between you and him, I swear." Angel had an ax in hand. I was shocked. "Angel are you... ok?" Angel walked downstairs hiding the ax, and I followed him quietly. Betty and Richard were walking down the streets laughing. I watched Angel behead Richard in a matter of moments. Betty turned in shock. Angel threw the ax into her leg, immobilizing the girl.

"You think... you can come into Alastor and I's life, and ruin everything without consequences!?" The girl was terrified as Angel threw her into the street to get run over by many cars. Angel drags the girl out. She was barely breathing.

"You'll never be Anthony." She gasped for a breathe. "Neither of us stood a chance." Angel burst out laughing in her face as tears ran down his cheeks.

"You didn't!" He pulled out his pocket watch. "I did!" He threw her into traffic, and let her screams fill his head. I ran over as he sobbed. "Get off of me!" He shoved me. "Please! Why now did you want to be friends again!? Why now!? I was so close!" He ran back to the hotel. Charlie was there with arms wide open, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You did a good thing Angel! You did a good thing!" He hugged her, on his knees sobbing. "It's not your fault. You did a good thing!" Angel sobbed into the girls shoulder.

"I did the right thing..." He sobbed it out painfully. "I did a good thing. Anthony you did good..." Angel cried out in agony. He had waited so long to be with Alastor. "Mom please!" Angel always called for his mother when he felt like this... nothing made him smile like her. "Mom hold me please... make it stop!" Everyone grouped together to hug him, but nothing ceased the sobs of loneliness that erupted from his mourning heart. "Mom please..." He kept crying quietly. "Smokey I'm sorry..." He finally cried himself to sleep, and everyone took him upstairs. Husker sat with me for a moment.

"He isn't mad at you. He talked about your daughter a lot. He wouldn't let anything happen to her." I nodded. "None of us hate you, ok?" I nodded as I cried. "Just thank him though... he gave up everything. He gave up everything for a friend." I nodded.

Anthony was one of a kind.

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